any1 with this sintoms?!?!?

Sep 30, 2003
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With u :)
You Know You've Played Too Many Video Games When:

- 1. You try to throw Sonic Booms at your friends.
- 2. You have nightmares about M. Bison.
- 3. You eat fire to learn the Yoga Flame.
- 4. You have a different color Gameboy Pocket for each time of day.
- 5. You name your dog Interceptor.
- 6. You look in the woods for the Master Sword.
- 7. You name your son and daughter, Link and Zelda.
- 8. You look for a secret passage in the library.
- 9. You got in a fight and tried the Bum Rush.
- 10. You look for a Chocobo in pigeon tracks.
- 11. You create an Avalanche group to fight Microsoft.
- 12. You turn around often to check for Big Boos.
- 13. You dream about saving Aeris.
- 14. You pledge your allegiance to the Returners.
- 15. You look for Materia slots in your gold bracelet.
- 16. You call upon Rayden during a blackout.
- 17. You avoid all Asian people with big black hats.
- 18. Sephiroth surrenders.
- 19. You try to fly when you put on a raccoon hat.
- 20. You look in the phone book for Tifa's number.
- 21. You ask Squaresoft to forward a letter you sent, to Aeris.
- 22. You search your local police station for secret labs.
- 23. You learn to play the Ocarina.
- 24. You call the police, and tell them to send the S.T.A.R.S.
- 25. The Video Game store and electric company send you Birthday and Christmas cards.

i only miss the par of lear how 2 play ocarina(23) >.< :tp:
Re: Re: any1 with this sintoms?!?!?

GohanSSJ said:
That's stupid... everyone knows she died. :D

Heh...Japan got an update of the game so that you can "quest" to save her...American version never got it though so we never got it neither :/

FF7 Advent children will be her comeback...according to my sources :D

Griffin_Heart said:
You Know You've Played Too Many Video Games When:

- 1. You try to throw Sonic Booms at your friends.
- 2. You have nightmares about M. Bison.
- 3. You eat fire to learn the Yoga Flame.
- 8. You look for a secret passage in the library.
- 16. You call upon Rayden during a blackout.
- 19. You try to fly when you put on a raccoon hat.
- 25. The Video Game store and electric company send you Birthday and Christmas cards.
1.Yep hadouken's on the house!
2.Bison never.... Blanka maybe.
3. I tried and burnt my tongue...
8. Yeah you guessed i tried that to, ran into the wall thinking it was a passage.
16.Rayden,oh mighty Rayden, make my damn electricity work you stupid god.
19.The raccoon hat was faulty i tell you,i fell flat on my ass.... stupid mario wore the thing out..
25.So thats what they've been doing i've always wondered what the "thanks for making us rich" on the front of the card said and on the inside "To we dont know your name, thanks for making us rich"
Re: Re: any1 with this sintoms?!?!?

Deathsfear said:
25.So thats what they've been doing i've always wondered what the "thanks for making us rich" on the front of the card said and on the inside "To we dont know your name, thanks for making us rich"
:lol: I burnt my tongue @ Maka's, I put out a fireball of matches on it :D
Exclamatio said:
if youd seen us on that night you coulda sword we were lol :D

maka nearly set me on fire >.< then nearly blew up a deodorant can in his hand :eek: lol

a m8s of mine made 1 like those but the can blow up 2 is face =s all burned >.< not very pretty 2 c

now we wears a mask a white mask he looks like that guy from sailormoon rofl xD :rofl: