Anyone have any tattoos ?

Mythic Archon
Loyal Member
Nov 9, 2008
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I just got my first tattoo about 2 weeks ago.Do any of you guys have tattoos ?

Markii - Anyone have any tattoos ? - RaGEZONE Forums

It looks exactly like this and it hurt so much cause i got it on my back shoulder.
a bitcode ? like hitman .. thts pretty cool & oh what kind of tattoo ; my friend has a stupid tattoo too on his forearm
You know those hawaii tattoos
something like this
Markii - Anyone have any tattoos ? - RaGEZONE Forums

and the bitcode is not like hitman that is barcode but binary
binary code is simply "01010111010101110101" like this
Markii - Anyone have any tattoos ? - RaGEZONE Forums
Dunno why people regret their tats. I love mine, it's not meaningless so maybe that's why.
Got it some years back after I got back from Ft. Leonard Wood.
I don't know what kind of tape he put over the bandage he put on me that day, but it left a 4th of my back bruised and red for about a week. It was crazy hard to get off without taking my skin up lol.

Markii - Anyone have any tattoos ? - RaGEZONE Forums
Dunno why people regret their tats. I love mine, it's not meaningless so maybe that's why.
Got it some years back after I got back from Ft. Leonard Wood.
I don't know what kind of tape he put over the bandage he put on me that day, but it left a 4th of my back bruised and red for about a week. It was crazy hard to get off without taking my skin up lol.

Markii - Anyone have any tattoos ? - RaGEZONE Forums

Haha, thats looks pretty good!