Anyone Still In Here?

All is well...
Loyal Member
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Likes like the attempts have kinda of died out here...
I'm having difficulties with some of the editors here like I'm getting tons of errors with the item editor and I can't open any files lol
I've got the server fully running right now (locally) and everything runs fine it's just not translated *obviously* (btw why is everything java lol?)

I won't be able to fully translate this server by myself lol and I may need help on getting this thing perfect

So if anyone is still around here and has something to contribute that would be great ^_^ Lets get this project rollin' again!~
I have a dedicated along the way (should be setup tomorrow) so we can have plenty to Beta in to get this thing fully in sting

Once my host fixes the sql server I'll have a site up too and we can make this one big happy group project =p
(btw why is everything java lol?)

and those java stuff are non-multilingual
many of thai people still cant read english

I was just wondering why everything was done in java. I've got no problem with it, it's just weird because no one really uses java except with browser apps

Anywho yah, I can't get them to open any files at all. Nor do I even have any .not files or .que files... I don't have any files of that file type lol, but the programs to edit them might work. I can't test them because I don't have any of the files to test it on.
I can't get any of the item editors to open the item file... Basically none of the tools work lol
And just to answer the question, yes this section is still in use. Its just all of the servers seem to go up for a short time then die. The game is a good game though but it doesnt really offer anything unique if we are being honest :P still its a good play. I would run a server if i had a host PC but i dont. someone offered to host a server for me if i created one a long time ago but i was busy at the time with real life stuff so i had to turn it down hehe.
Right now for some reason everyone has Gm lol aside from that everyone is telling me they wouldn't play it... So I'm getting really discouraged in opening this fully...

The server is open if you guys want to mess around. I would post all the details for registering but I'm sure it would be considered advertising lol (but you could enjoy free Gm on another server lol)

I'm coding a registration system right now because the easyphp one it came with seems to be messed up. Right now we're using the asp files that use the dlls. Lemme know if you guys want me to post the details and I will. Right now any help is good help lol
And just to answer the question, yes this section is still in use. Its just all of the servers seem to go up for a short time then die. The game is a good game though but it doesnt really offer anything unique if we are being honest :P still its a good play. I would run a server if i had a host PC but i dont. someone offered to host a server for me if i created one a long time ago but i was busy at the time with real life stuff so i had to turn it down hehe.

Yes, bumping a semi retired topic for my personal glory, and yes. That was me sparx. In actuality, I am still here, mainly I spend my time briefly looking thru the server ads to see if anyone has a public lulu up, and seeing not, I usually vanish for another few days. This is the first time I've been around in here for a while. Perhaps you, myself and Wh005h should hang out, and work something out. The servers I had, are all migrated to linux (FC5 and CentOS), and now are commercial webservers and such, but I am sure if it came down to it, I can scrounge up a 2k3 box, on say 5-10 mbit. I was gonna reply via pm, but figured this might give Wh005h and you some hope for lulu ? :) Give me a holler via pm if you can, and we can see whats up.