Anyone want to hit someone?

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Nik-C said:
*wonders whos ass u licked to get to be a mod*
You have no idea how that forum works, thats a forum with respected people, with adults, going up to 70+
The owner Mntsnow is about 36.

How i became i mod, i'm not sure, he asked me one day, the fact that most of the people there are american helped me because i live in a different time zone.

So far i hardly did any modding, yeah that's right, that forum hardly needs ever modding because the people on it are mature, average age of the people on it is something like 30.

It's a great site.

BTW Mntsnow is the highest poster, he is a really nice guy, and because he helps and trys to help every person with a PC problem he simply posts a lot.
LordofDeath said:
You have no idea how that forum works, thats a forum with respected people, with adults, going up to 70+
The owner Mntsnow is about 36.

How i became i mod, i'm not sure, he asked me one day, the fact that most of the people there are american helped me because i live in a different time zone.

So far i hardly did any modding, yeah that's right, that forum hardly needs ever modding because the people on it are mature, average age of the people on it is something like 30.

It's a great site.

sorry I cant understand u.. theres too much shit in your mouth.

I dont know how forums work? lmao get a life u nerd.
Let's put it this way, with your attitude on that forum would get you banned before you would reach 10 posts, and trust me i wouldn't have to do anything for that.

That site expects from everyone to have respect for each other, or at least leave people alone if you have a problem.

.... Wait you need to be mature for that to understand. :rofl:
LordofDeath said:
Let's put it this way, with your attitude on that forum would get you banned before you would reach 10 posts, and trust me i wouldn't have to do anything for that.

That site expects from everyone to have respect for each other, or at least leave people alone if you have a problem.

.... Wait you need to be mature for that to understand. :rofl:

This just in... NO1 CARES!

And you trying to say Im not mature?

lmao go watch smoe cartoons u hoe.
Neh i don't, like i said it's a forum with mature people, the kind of people that your clearly not.

BTW Some mod warn his ass, and leave my topic open...

EDIT: that aint warning....

Second edit: I request a ban for his new link in his sig

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