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Appeal for a host to the mother of MMORPG!

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Somone can do it and has the resources!
What we will need is ten times experience gain towards toughers and imps, and 3x's reagent and coin drops.
This is a PvP game! We will be able to attract many players from new to old to ones who are fed up with the gimped NDS PvP.
Someone out there has the power to do it! The players will support the enterprise. Someday of course when I hit the jackpot I will hire a team to completely recreate the game with new graphics and interface but of course utilizing the anciently perfected character system.
Does anyone know of any development headed in this direction? Any servers that may already exist? To be honest I am amazed I even found this message board. Besides this I have only ever seen the shut down 911 webpage.
I would host the server but I cannot even afford to eat today, LoL! I would rather PK you in a guild war than eat anyway.
Peace to all the brothers and sisters of this realm!
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
I dont see it happening man. I would host a server, but I don't know the first thing about doing it. It would be nice if someone started a server up, but at least until NDS goes down I just don't think anyone is gonna make one.
I was suprised with I found this place too, but I've no gotten much of a response from anyone here. I figure if i just keep coming back more people will eventually find this place and it'll be like the old pk-hq.com. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to pk-hq would you?
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
xXxMrSaturNxXx said:
I dont see it happening man. I would host a server, but I don't know the first thing about doing it. It would be nice if someone started a server up, but at least until NDS goes down I just don't think anyone is gonna make one.
I was suprised with I found this place too, but I've no gotten much of a response from anyone here. I figure if i just keep coming back more people will eventually find this place and it'll be like the old pk-hq.com. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to pk-hq would you?

Have you read through the guides on this board? I did a little bit and it is kind of confusing to me. It will probably take someone who really knows what they are doing to customize the game nicely for PvP and building and whatnot.
I dunno what happened to pk-hq. I find it wierd that the old 911 server website is still around and has never been updated.
I had an account with NDS a couple months ago. It was fun. I don't much care for how they have changed PvP, or how most of the players have multiple accounts giving them sizeable building advantages of other players who don't pay for extra accounts. I also think, for a PvP game, building takes way too long, LoL.
I had this terrible habit of building to around 80hps and then suiciding my character in a pissed off rage, LoL.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Devilsweed said:
Have you read through the guides on this board? I did a little bit and it is kind of confusing to me. It will probably take someone who really knows what they are doing to customize the game nicely for PvP and building and whatnot.
I dunno what happened to pk-hq. I find it wierd that the old 911 server website is still around and has never been updated.
I had an account with NDS a couple months ago. It was fun. I don't much care for how they have changed PvP, or how most of the players have multiple accounts giving them sizeable building advantages of other players who don't pay for extra accounts. I also think, for a PvP game, building takes way too long, LoL.
I had this terrible habit of building to around 80hps and then suiciding my character in a pissed off rage, LoL.

I remember where i had this one awesome day for hp gains, got to 90 in like half a day. MMMMM Seafarers.

I can edit some of my guides later on but I don't know how to change rates or add items/areas.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
What about a dedicated server? No anyone whos interested?

I've heard of people playing 24 hours straight to get to 90 but in CV. Seafarers should only get you to around 50! ;)
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
I played this game for years and I never had a character above 40 hp... Gah I sucked.:crash:
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Way in the old old days 40HP was actually alot of HP! Now 135 is LoL.
I remember at one point when I played commercial for a short time way back zap could do like 40HP damage though, LoL.
Now they have a 1/3 total HP damage cap.
Which is wierd as it allows people to rage hell with groups of 30hp touch of firers.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Seafarers used to have mutant ants and trolls; I believe muties get hp up to 70/75 pretty damn fast since they fall like flies with mystic swords.

Edit: ToFers rampaged beach for the longest time, on priv servers too.

Man I miss this game and everything about it; the music, the sounds, the areas, the story...

If I ever do make a server I'd probably make it forced RP and run a storyline.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score

Oh you're right, my bad.
Seafarers is still like that. Although alot of mutie spawns have been replaced with ground worms(I think in the screen before seafarers). I had confused seafarers with the valley and that ocean area. The ground worms are extremely annoying as they burrough underground and can only be hit when above ground or with a bashing weapon.
I would be down for some storyline RPing. The thing about this old client that pisses me off, as I did finally run my own server for nostalgia(although my router probably prevents anyone else from connecting but me), is that the new feature mouse look isn't programmed in yet.
So if we can't speed up building can we start people with mostly prebuilt characters? Let's say for exmaple 100HPs and maxed out weapon craft level 4 or something(no free archery hehehe).
Or if a group of people wanted to play we could stage some guild wars! I think that admins can probably distribute the potions that instantly max out a character! I have used them before for testing purposes. I drank the pot and instantly had 150HPs, reagents, maxed out WC, kraanan, and qor!

Let me tell you about modern day PvP on meridian59. Its mule hell. People log on mules as the die hard players still around today have anywhere from 2-5 accounts. Some people don't even actively PvP all they do is heal with mules, buff and truce and whatnot. People hardly ever die unless like 5 people hit them at once! The PKs, usually there is one, spends all his time hunting n00bs and logging them too making building stressfull, LoL.
If someone gets logged them their possee if guildies and mules brings on their anti magic aura casters and trucers, and the other side hits up mana bombs and discords and puts out firewalls around the log off ghost and a battle ensues for the ghosted person to log back on! LoL.
When I was building this one looser would find me no matter where I went. He always seemed to know. He would hit me with earthquakes and log me. There was hardly ever anyone on the server who cared to challenge him as he was riija and could go anywhere he wanted with elusion.
NDS is the silly part. The players post on gilroys alot about changes they would like made to the game. They have amazing ideas to enhance the game. Then one of the old devs shuts them down, laughs or whatever, and says meridian59 will never change again. They refuse to alter meridian59 from its current classic form in any way! Its as if they are terrified they will loose some of their hardcore gamers lthat have 15 accounts each.
Anyway peace and good luck with your work.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah current NDS meridian is pretty Ducking lame. I heard somewhere though that you could manage to get the new client to work with the old server software; I'm assuming that's just packet handling *not too hard to fix with a hex editor and some coffee*

Right now I'm in exam mode otherwise I'd be doing my best to tinker with this junk.

Both of you add me on msn l_ostboy at h-t-a-l.com

That does say hotmail. Anti-spam precaution.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
Ok I added you. Spell it like a normal email? LoL. I did not realize crawlers could spam from an email written down on a forum.
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
I've been going through the server for the last few weeks, and have fixed most of the issues I've come across.

Lately I've been trying to get the new NDS client to work, but without some serious work I don't think I can. I get up to the point that it will authenticate, but then all I get is a black screen on the client and nothing ever happens.
Initiate Mage
May 10, 2006
Reaction score
Host available

I just found these forums and never played meridian59, so pls forgive if my post is out of place. If I'm understanding correctly you are looking for a server to host your MMORPG. I'm trying to find someone with a MMORPG to host. My server is a Xeon 2Ghz with 2Gig of ram and 1.6Mbps up and down, with no monthly bandwidth limit. (That's the part i like). If you believe we can help each other, pls reply.