Are U going To Upgrade?

Skilled Illusionist
May 25, 2004
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So Since Vista was released a few days ago what do you guys think? are u going to upgrade now? or wait till Sp1 comes out for Vista? or are you just gunna stick with Xp. I mean you gotta have a hefty comp to run vista to its full. and for me i just dont have the money to get the new hardware. For me, i think ill stick with Xp Untill I get enough money for Upgrades, Also for all the Drivers for software to be fully compatible with Vista., Also i was reading on gamespot about Vista and its perfomance. WinXp Gets better results in most things. why would u buy something just to slow u down? its crazy. i guess only thing good for vista in DX10 Even though i was looking at the Pics of Age of Conen Compairing to DX 9 And DX10 Only realy difference i see is the lighting and some extra detail. it is'nt really much different. Also the prices for Vista Are dam crazy been reading people in the Uk paying 700 For the Ultimate Vista. ARGHH thats why i hate MS.

Anyway What Do U think?
I will when I get a new computer or get a free copy from MSDN AA.

As for DX10. It's not going to make graphics better. It will though allow all the special features of SM3.0 to be able to be used at once with no performance loss. Since with DX9 when you run SM3.0 features like HDR your performance will be dropped massively. So graphics wont change much but performance will change lots.

Having a midrange card being able to render things that older high end card struggle to do is going to be amazing.

Also Vista is optimized for multiple cores. So if you have a dual core CPU you will see a major boost in performance on the desktop environment.

And about the loss of performance in games. The same thing happened when XP came out. 2000 outperforms XP in every which way but XP has features that 2000 doesn't.

NoPeace - out
With the latest cards out, you are forced to wait.. and even then, driver support still is really nill with alot of things hardware wise.

Best bet is to wait many many.. many... many many months before switchign over, as by then 'perhaps' youll be able to run it more effectively with any new games or programs out :-)