
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 24, 2003
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Well usually i dont come on forum and say anything about wots happening in my life...well tonight there woz a massive family arguement -_- and i really hate it when the family argues coz it always seems to b the same person that start the arguement...

and some of da family members mum dad ect...and close family aunites... r taking me to alton towers to see someone i really love..omen and lee know

they have fallen out and it looks like i wont b going to see the person that i really love i feel like crying

>.< y does god always seem to kick me in da nuts when things r looking up??
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When you say fallen out, whats that mean in terms of parents? They changed their minds?

Well, hope everything goes back to normal, good to have you around in a good mode
if their is no conflict in your life you will turn out a pussy like omar!