Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Usa, NY
Hi, a lot of people on my server were complaining in my server that when they teleport to the exile map, it tells them that there is a missing file and there character is bugged, and i have to open mu-editor and change there position. I got anoyed by that, so i made a script that automaticly teleports a person out of exile map.
Just set this as a job in Sql Enterprise Manager,

Here is the script :)
UPDATE Character
SET MapNumber= 0, MapPosX = 120, MapPosY = 120

WHERE MapNumber = 5

--(C) Marat (xphire)

The script is very simple, but helpfull :)

If you don't know how to make a Sql job, look here:

But when you have to set the job time, set it to every one minute.

Enjoy :)
Re: [Release]Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

thx it good idea for GMs Zone
can add job for players and enter will only for GMs
WHERE MapNumber = 5 AND ctlcode=('0')
Re: [Release]Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

I have exile map, but some people don't, well, just releaseing something that i think is usefull :)
Re: [Release]Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

hey guys wanna try my exile map skin ? :)) i hope y all will like it...
releasing in some minutes at skin section
sry for offtop
thx to xphire
but screens are old,
more moding...
Re: [Release]Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

hey guys wanna try my exile map skin ? :)) i hope y all will like it...
releasing in some minutes at skin section
sry for offtop
thx to xphire
but screens are old,
more moding...

Don't know why you are thanking me, but your welcome:poster_ss
Well, ill check out your skin :technolog
Re: [Release]Auto Exile Teleport Out Script

Exile is ErrorMap so Admins/GMs use it well but better add to script:

.... AND MapPosX>50 AND MapPosY>50 so if GM bann char on coords 20 20 it will not unbann him.

(i know that MapPosX,Y is not on all db the same named but u all know what i mean i hope)