Ayuda Drop de oro y items desconocidos, Help Drop gold and items unknown

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 8, 2012
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hola por favor ocupo como solucionar dos problemas de mi servidor.

el primero es que alpie de un portal de mandara, dropea oro solo, cae oro.
el segundo es que los mobs me estan tirando items, y no estan en el drop de ningun mob.


hello please take care and solve two problems of my server.

the first is that alpie send a portal, he drops gold alone, gold falls.
the second is that the mobs are pulling me items, and are not in the drop of any mob.

i can answer you for 2nd question ... just open your HTSSettings.xml and search sheet ItemByLevel and search your item ID (make it 0) ... and you can convert it again ... put this file at Zone folder .... about 1st question i don`t know what you talk about ?!
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