Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

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Feb 22, 2012
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- What's this thread?
This is the Official Azure Help Thread. This means: Everything question related to azure must be maded here. This includes: Questions about bugs (how to fix it, for instance). Feel free to also post Fixes here as long as it follows the section rules.

- Why using this thread?
We wanna keep things organised. Consider this thread as a book. We will address proper fixes in this post, for faster searching and going to the pages.

- Answered questions
This is the list of the current answered questions. This includes bugfixes, questions related to azure, etc.

Links to answered questions within this thread:
We still are addressing bugs. Keep answering questions and we will be editing this thread. All relevant questions should be addressed.

Fixes addressed:
Name: Column 'Duty Level' does not belong to table Table.
Execute query:

- Who manages this thread? There's any rules to this thread?
This thread is currently managed by Habbo Hotel section's moderators. All section rules apply. If you feel that some question doesn't have enough information, please report it, so the moderators can review it, and take proper action. Same goes to replies to questions with a vague explaination. The rules to this thread is the same of the Habbo Help section in general (which follows the rules of RaGEZONE). If you fail to follow the rules, we will delete, or warn, or infract.

- Do you have any more questions?
If you have any questions related to Azure, it's team, or anything at all, feel free to contact one of the following: Sir Jamal .

NOTE: Old thread got deleted due to a request from our old HH mod.This thread has the same rules as the old one.

The latest thread (which contained around 4/5 posts) got deleted due to a mistake of mine with merging.

Please read:
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Hello, I need help for use the new UI loading Habbo with the new Modtool.
I crack the Habbo.swf with no problem, but I don't How to add new packet...

Hello, I need help for use the new UI loading Habbo with the new Modtool.
I crack the Habbo.swf with no problem, but I don't How to add new packet...
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Hello! Yesterday i've asked the same questions in the deleted Thread.

1: How do u make an Targetedoffer (catalog_targetedoffers)
2: How do u make an Working Poll? Every time when i clicks on the next page in the poll than my hotel disconnects.

(Sorry for my bad English)

Hello! Yesterday i've asked the same questions in the deleted Thread.

1: How do u make an Targetedoffer (catalog_targetedoffers)
2: How do u make an Working Poll? Every time when i clicks on the next page in the poll than my hotel disconnects.

(Sorry for my bad English)
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

I try import the database from azure 2.0, and i got this sql error:
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Has where all Clothes? But by me are not all available. See the Pictures

Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums

Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums

Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Hey erm i need help. Basically i cant run build on Azure 2.0 source. I need the source cause i need to transfer some commands from previoud build to the newer ones i hope it can be fixed here is the video on what happened. to help u understand my problem better thanks.[video][/video]

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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Hey erm i need help. Basically i cant run build on Azure 2.0 source. I need the source cause i need to transfer some commands from previoud build to the newer ones i hope it can be fixed here is the video on what happened. to help u understand my problem better thanks.[video][/video]

I can't seem to open your links, but I bet you got an error in rooms.cs

If so, go to line 605 and change
var diskItem = new SongItem(num, songId, baseItem);
var diskItem = new SongItem(num, songId, baseItem, extraData, songCode);
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

still cant [video][/video]
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Any advice to get the camera working on azure 2.0? Tried the azure camera api, but whenever I try to execute the script, it says "the php input, isn't a valid json data"
Also the camera button isn't showing in my swf, wrong habbo.swf maybe or just change something to it show up?
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

When I go build the solution, I have this:

What's solution?
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

I ranked myself but I have no tools/commands????
Maybe a bugg??
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

client's page is black, theres no "habbo" loading or any stuff.
But habbo.swf was loaded in firebug.
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

check you are using the right habbo.swf (nammed habbo1.swf in the rar file Azure 0190 to Azure 2.0 [SQL, SWF, GAMEDATA].rar in the folder "HABBO SWF") and not the Habbo.swf in the "SWF UPDATE"
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

anybody know how to fix this? would be appreciated
Droppy - Azure Emulator & CMS help thread - RaGEZONE Forums
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

If you try update from 0190 to 2.0 you get many errors. This update.sql is really incomplete. Take look, if there is existents groups you'll get this on Exception Logs:
System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'.
   at Azure.HabboHotel.Groups.GroupManager.GetGroup(Int32 groupId) in C:\Users\Gustavo\Desktop\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Emulator\HabboHotel\Groups\GroupManager.cs:line 184
   at Azure.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo..ctor(UInt32 id, String userName, String realName, UInt32 rank, String motto, String look, String gender, Int32 credits, Int32 activityPoints, Double lastActivityPointsUpdate, Boolean muted, UInt32 homeRoom, Int32 respect, Int32 dailyRespectPoints, Int32 dailyPetRespectPoints, Boolean hasFriendRequestsDisabled, UInt32 currentQuestId, Int32 currentQuestProgress, Int32 achievementPoints, Int32 regTimestamp, Int32 lastOnline, Boolean appearOffline, Boolean hideInRoom, Boolean vip, Double createDate, Boolean online, String citizenShip, Int32 diamonds, List`1 groups, Int32 favId, Int32 lastChange, Boolean tradeLocked, Int32 tradeLockExpire, Boolean nuxPassed, Int32 buildersExpire, Int32 buildersItemsMax, Int32 buildersItemsUsed, Int32 releaseVersion, Boolean onDuty, Dictionary`2 naviLogs, Int32 dailyCompetitionVotes, UInt32 dutyLevel) in C:\Users\Gustavo\Desktop\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Emulator\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 567
   at Azure.HabboHotel.Users.Authenticator.HabboFactory.GenerateHabbo(DataRow dRow, DataRow mRow, List`1 group) in C:\Users\Gustavo\Desktop\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Emulator\HabboHotel\Users\Authenticator\HabboFactory.cs:line 98
   at Azure.HabboHotel.Users.UserDataManagement.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String sessionTicket, UInt32& errorCode) in C:\Users\Gustavo\Desktop\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Emulator\HabboHotel\Users\UserDataManagement\UserDataFactory.cs:line 290

I'm really dissapointed about these exceptions errors.
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Re: Official Azure Emulator & CMS help thread

Open Azure.sln (located in "Azure Emulator 2.0 (source)") instead of Azure.Emulator
Still cant build solution or debug :(

Error 1 Metadata file 'C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Encryption\bin\Debug\Azure.Encryption.dll' could not be found C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\Azure Emulator 2.0 (Source)\Azure\Azure.Emulator\CSC Azure.Emulator
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