hellprowler said:Umm no one? I don't think passwords are recoverable through database, you can try the password recovery system, whatever VB uses, else you are kinda screwed.
Deathsfear said:Nah you can recover teh pass you reset the pass to whatever and tell them
DarkBahamut said:http://forum.ragezone.com/login.php?do=lostpw
Type in your email, will reset your password and send it to your email, then you can login and change your password and/or delete your spam :spam1:
MasterD said:all it is a post count dont get ur knickers in a twist man just tell peeps its not u and they probs wont hack ur email if they do just change ur email address and copy them over to a new 1.
MasterD said:i personally have no probs with u lol but on euro mir i dont like the fact u had THUNDERBLAZE On ur char lol and good m8s with him he a muppet lol and its the way u post lol like a wannabe rapper (No offence btw lol)