BadMan Forum account hacked...

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Junior Spellweaver
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
my account been hacked and his spamming on ei server...

please dont ban it its not me just deleted the post and deducked post after please... ty...

who should i speak to about this? to get my accont back i mean?
hellprowler said:
Umm no one? I don't think passwords are recoverable through database, you can try the password recovery system, whatever VB uses, else you are kinda screwed.

o well im screwed... i put in my e-mail address and it gave me a diffrrent accont details to what i added... so im guessing who ever this wankster is changed the e-mail being used... o well there goes my post count lol.
Nah you can recover teh pass you reset the pass to whatever and tell them
DarkBahamut said:

Type in your email, will reset your password and send it to your email, then you can login and change your password and/or delete your spam :spam1:

wont work... i created the account ages ago when the forum still surpointed aol accounts... now i cant log on to forums with aol i need to use explorer and it doesnt seem to remember my e-mail so =/
MasterD said:
all it is a post count dont get ur knickers in a twist man just tell peeps its not u and they probs wont hack ur email if they do just change ur email address and copy them over to a new 1.

not just this tho... nuff peeps give me grief on here euro mir lomcn... and personally i dont no what iv done... i dont even post that much... and when i do its always mir related.
MasterD said:
i personally have no probs with u lol but on euro mir i dont like the fact u had THUNDERBLAZE On ur char lol and good m8s with him he a muppet lol and its the way u post lol like a wannabe rapper (No offence btw lol)

yeh i grow up in a all black area ( i dont mean to sound racest but the attidue is different and so on, like insted of m8 on the streets u would say blood and so on) so it made it difficult for me to type diffrent because i have been speaking like it for so look... but would you take piss outta a retard because he spoke diffrent? true we took piss out of romanian because of there jajaja thingy but still...

think this is a sign for me to give up... go back streets and get in trouble ^.^ lots more fun

as for TB he was never on my Account ingame just on my forum account... and yeh i ws good m8s with him coz he was exact oppersite to me...tought me alot ^.^
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do you want to know the email he has on his profile atm? if so pm me. did what i could, removed his siggy... wont ban as you asked but if he spams again i'm gonna have to.
his ip:
last visit: 19:35
if you want your account back try and get a hold of mental, he can change pass.. i cant :(
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