Badmanmc a townie?

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May 24, 2003
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i found this very amusing i put my servert up for abit and badmanmc logged on everyone started attacking him i found it so funny :P


  • Images06 - Badmanmc a townie? - RaGEZONE Forums
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Heres my lyric for badmanmc-goes something like this.

He aint no towny, He aint no pussy, his the Lyrical G, his BadmanMC!!!!!!!
btw thats not me lol someone else whos abit sad *cough* spunkeh who thinks its still funny to cuse peaple... o well :)
Spunkeh said:
btw it aint me its someone else from the forum i aint saying any namez...

o well you both goin on stupid anyways, just showing how childish you really are :(... couldent give a poo really shit happens :( just normally to me.
Askill3 said:
Theres nothing wrong wid townies, End Of Story! :)

bman ant even a townie :rofl: he dislikes punks and grungers tho so that probs why him and spunkeh dont get along...
Spunkeh said:
:rofl: so y dont he dislike u coz ur a punk!

true i am, but i dont go around making childish thred about something that isnt true trying to make other peaple laugh, and as you can clearly see some peaple dont find you childish humour remotly funny... go back to play school little boy.
Sch cool down, Spunkehs ok but he just takes things to far...
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