.bak file conflict

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 19, 2006
Reaction score
I have my mangos server installed and configured as it was said in the instructions and everything appears ok except when i try and execute mangosd or realmd I get and error saying unable to find mangosd.conf or realmd.conf. It's the same ones you have to modify the addresses on. I looked and it says it is looking in the correct path but i did notice that although my mangos and real say mangosd.conf and realmd.conf that is not their file association. They are truly mangosd.conf.bak and realmd.conf.bak. I think this is what is causing the problems but don't know how to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well that was my original thought but with me running vista for some reason it won't let me just rename it to change the file extenion. I even tried resaving it from notepad as .conf but always saves as .bak for some reason. Has anyone seen this issue and been able to change the extension in vista?
Maybe this is a wild shot... But open up your mangos folder... Then in the top of the window you should see like Files, Edit, Show And so on... I have no idea what its called in english.. Cuz im from Denmarks and running a danish Xp.. But on my computer i can select Functions/Foldersettings... That should open up a window Where you can on /off a setting for known file names.. Activate that and you should be able to just rename from conf.bak to .conf...

As i said.. A wild shot.. But maybe it works..