Banned, can this be detected?

Mar 11, 2007
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So I go to login to real wow this morning to find I've been banned for unauthorized modifications. Is mangos one of those things? Can that be the cause? can they even detect that when it's not in use lpaying real wow? Any help would be appreciated.

***Notice of Account Closure***

Access to the World of Warcraft account xxxxxxx, and any World of Warcraft
account associated with the payment information you have provided, has been
permanently disabled. The account has been identified as having used
unauthorized game modifications and thus is in violation of the World of
Warcraft Terms of Use. The recurring subscription on the account has been
disabled to prevent further charges.

Please review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at ,
which you accepted when you installed World of Warcraft and established the
account(s). Section 4, Paragraphs A and B detail the limitations of game play
modifications and use of any third-party or
Maybe you used some addon that couldnt be used on official, or used some hack/cheat?
I dont think that blizz can see if you play on private or just official.
I'd say that they probably CAN detect it running using their software. They can't just detect it on your HD. If you didn't have MaNGOS running (Which I'd say falls under the "Third party software") then it was something else.
No hacks or cheats were used, and addons are the same I've alwasy used, nothing new.
The only think I can think that would link it to that, is in game I saw a lock with a staff.. one of the aldor rep staves I think. Well the name of it was the same as the skin on the private server, but not the correct name, it was liek A$hjsk( blah blah something, all weird. My friend said to link it to him to se if looked that way to him. Well just as I hit send on the whisper, I was immeiatly disconnected. I assume when it d/c an error log was made and sent to blizzard. Perhaps thats how they came to their conclusions..

Update as well....

My second account was just banned JUST for having the same payment information, lol.. When it rains it pours.
I guess its entirely possible that if you were using the same client as you use on a Private server, Blizzard could see that the temp files don't match the live items. Which when your buddy got the link... its possible... the blizzard sniffer program saw it as hacking your temp files. But I honestly don't think its the case.
I hope it's not the case, I've been careful not to leave mangos or anything running while playing real wow. maybe it's something else, or even just a mistake? lol. I don't use 3rd party bots, hacks or anything. I'm completely legit on real wow. Sucks that both my account are now banned for absolutely nothing I can think of other than that misshap with the wrong item name in the whisper. still waiting on more information from them.
Any suggestions on my argument to blizzard in getting my accounts back? lol.. I'm still waiting for a reply to my, "omg what?" type of reply though.
when i got my account banned i threatened to sue em and take action for banning me for no reason
when i got my account banned i threatened to sue em and take action for banning me for no reason

Wouldn't be the best idea as what do you get out of suing them? Your account and bills from your lawyer.

Technically, you can't sue them at all for that. They are not obligated to keep your account, they are a private company that can delete peoples accounts without reason. I am fairly sure of this.
they are a private company that can delete peoples accounts without reason. I am fairly sure of this.

Eeh... in a way you're right. They have the right to close your account at any time, they DO have to give you a reason though since you are paying for a service they provide.

and there isn't much you CAN DO. the letter clearly states they will NEVER re-open your account. Which to be quite honest, is verbage I have absolutely never seen in an official letter. You can fight it, but you agreed to "Warden" when you clicked accept for the TOS. Going on a private server might not be illegal, but it does however violate their service terms.

You can fight it. You will however lose.