This discovery opens the path of creating tools similar to Wanmei's native tools!
This is a Wanmei Screenshot from a Documentation publicly shared by Fyyre.
Project templates(.awx) are used to facilitate our work and help us avoid writing projects from scratch each time.
*We mainly care about 3 project templates:
1)"3ds max plugins wizard R5.0" that can be found in 3ds max 5 SDK.
2)"Directx AppWizard" that can create Directx8 template in ..\DX8SDK\bin\DXUtils\AppWizard
3)"Angelica3D AppWizard" that can be used to create Angelica Projects.
---How to use App Wizard for Visual Studio 6:
Templates files have to be moved here:
Basically this Angelica App Wizard enable us to do 2 types of programs:
1)Win32 program
2)MFC SDI Program(Angelica2 Editor)
---Angelica3D AppWizard:
*AngelicaAppWiz.awx (Angelica App Wizard) is created by the following VS6 project:
We will follow these specific steps to compile this project:
I-We will adjust the path for afxhelp.hm in ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz\hlpAngelicaAppWiz.hpj
In my case it should be modified like this:
II-We may be able to compile the different builds but trying to use this template to create projects will generate some errors that we will be fixing through adding some libraries in the linking process:
->Release build gives us the following errors:
This requires to add the following libraries for release build in the linking process:
vorbisfile_static.lib ogg_static.lib
->Debug build has 2 different errors:
1)Linking error type 1:
This requires to add the following libraries for debug build in the linking process:
2)Linking error type 2:
This requires to add the following libraries for debug build in the linking process:
vorbisfile_static_d.lib ogg_static_d.lib
III-We will need to modify ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz\AngelicaAppWizAw.cpp:
We assume that custom code will be in bold and colored Blue.
Further localization to dialogs can be done by editing resource script or rc files in ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz
In this way created projects based on template will be in english or whatever language you want.
I'm grateful for the people who have supported me in my FW work.
Special thanks to @W33d who helped me figure out how to fix linking errors for projects.
By the way,it's possible to compile tools at times just by commenting code but this is a very bad practice that has to be avoided in most of the cases since it will result in broken or half-finished shit.
This discovery opens the path of creating tools similar to Wanmei's native tools!
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This is a Wanmei Screenshot from a Documentation publicly shared by Fyyre.
Project templates(.awx) are used to facilitate our work and help us avoid writing projects from scratch each time.
*We mainly care about 3 project templates:
1)"3ds max plugins wizard R5.0" that can be found in 3ds max 5 SDK.
2)"Directx AppWizard" that can create Directx8 template in ..\DX8SDK\bin\DXUtils\AppWizard
3)"Angelica3D AppWizard" that can be used to create Angelica Projects.
---How to use App Wizard for Visual Studio 6:
Templates files have to be moved here:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\IDE
Basically this Angelica App Wizard enable us to do 2 types of programs:
1)Win32 program
2)MFC SDI Program(Angelica2 Editor)
---Angelica3D AppWizard:
*AngelicaAppWiz.awx (Angelica App Wizard) is created by the following VS6 project:
We will follow these specific steps to compile this project:
I-We will adjust the path for afxhelp.hm in ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz\hlpAngelicaAppWiz.hpj
#include <F:\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\include\afxhelp.hm>
In my case it should be modified like this:
#include <C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\Include\afxhelp.hm>
II-We may be able to compile the different builds but trying to use this template to create projects will generate some errors that we will be fixing through adding some libraries in the linking process:
->Release build gives us the following errors:
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_pcm_total
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_open_callbacks
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_clear
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_pcm_seek
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_read
AngelicaMedia.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_info
vorbisfile_static.lib ogg_static.lib
->Debug build has 2 different errors:
1)Linking error type 1:
AngelicaCommon_d.lib(AMemoryDbg.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__SymInitialize@12
AngelicaCommon_d.lib(AMemoryDbg.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__SymSetOptions@4
AngelicaCommon_d.lib(AMemoryDbg.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__SymGetLineFromAddr@16
AngelicaCommon_d.lib(AMemoryDbg.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__SymFromAddr@20
2)Linking error type 2:
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_pcm_total
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_open_callbacks
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_clear
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_pcm_seek
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_read
AngelicaMedia_d.lib(AMOggFile.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ov_info
vorbisfile_static_d.lib ogg_static_d.lib
III-We will need to modify ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz\AngelicaAppWizAw.cpp:
We assume that custom code will be in bold and colored Blue.
// Add our own libs
if (bDebug)
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"zliblib.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"mpg123lib.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"Immwrapper.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaCommon_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"Angelica3D_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaFile_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaMedia_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"dxguid.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"d3d8.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"d3dx8.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"dsound.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"shlwapi.lib", dummy);
[COLOR=#0000ff] pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"vorbisfile_static_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"ogg_static_d.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"DbgHelp.lib", dummy);[/COLOR]
// Set code generation type to 'Debug Multithread DLL'
pConfig->RemoveToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/MTd", dummy);
pConfig->RemoveToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/MLd", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/MDd", dummy);
else // Release version
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"zliblib.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"mpg123lib.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"Immwrapper.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaCommon.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"Angelica3D.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaFile.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"AngelicaMedia.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"dxguid.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"d3d8.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"d3dx8.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"dsound.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"shlwapi.lib", dummy);
[COLOR=#0000ff] pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"vorbisfile_static.lib", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"link.exe", L"ogg_static.lib", dummy);[/COLOR]
// Set code generation type to 'Debug Multithread DLL'
pConfig->RemoveToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/MT", dummy);
pConfig->RemoveToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/ML", dummy);
pConfig->AddToolSettings(L"cl.exe", L"/MD", dummy);
Further localization to dialogs can be done by editing resource script or rc files in ..\Angelica2\Samples\AngelicaAppWiz
In this way created projects based on template will be in english or whatever language you want.

I'm grateful for the people who have supported me in my FW work.
Special thanks to @W33d who helped me figure out how to fix linking errors for projects.
By the way,it's possible to compile tools at times just by commenting code but this is a very bad practice that has to be avoided in most of the cases since it will result in broken or half-finished shit.
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