BC + Crystals

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland, portrush
ok first of all, when i use the command "start_castle" bless castle starts fine, but for some reason the teleporter wont let me teleport there.. even with extreme wing.. anyone know how to fix this?

also i have 3 crystals on my server (im assuming they are ricarten guards) that when i try to use, it says i cant use it, then it dissapears :S.. any ideas?

oh and where can i change the max amount of gold aloud to be held by a player? i used to be able to hold 90 mil... but now i can only hold 10 mil max

thanks in advance
hey u learn something new everyday.. lol
but still isnt there a way to lower the amount tier 4 can carry? because i know of a hack item that gets sold for 100 mil... and if the max amount is lowered.. it stops this item from being sold

ive seen this item appear in a few servers

but any help on the rest of these questions would be great :)
hi, i'm brasilian, and my english is too bad =/, but i need the files to BC cristals, the new skin to the dragon armor, and ruah robe.., heheh, i need files to the new skin hairs =p.. please sharea. =] ps:sorry for my english

ae, soh novo por aki =], mas tem como vcs me ajudarem, tp eu presciso dos arquivos dos novos hairs, desde o a, ateh o m, se tiver, e presciso tb do novo skin da dragon armor e dos cristais do BC, tp, o do lvl 70,80 e 90, q tem no redemption, vcs sabem?? q eh soh issu q falta pra min =]

vlw, tomara q consigo ajuda =]
eh q eu presciso dos arquivos do server , tp o .zhoom e o txt da dragon armor =]

tp, quando eu coloco a dragon armor, ele fka como se estivesse sem armor =/

se alguem puder ajudar =p
