Beast Training Bug: whats wrong with the pets?

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
i'm using Mangos 3200 + SDB 0.6.1, and the server is running great.

but i got a pet and when i tried to teach him some skills, nothing happened =\
When I use Beast Training skill and click "train" in one skill (great stamina or natural armor), my character "uses" it but nothing happens. I dont even spend Training Points. And another weird thing is that even skills the pet cant learn are green.

i also wanted to know... do they get hungry? or less lowyal? because it doesnt happen here.. could be another bug?

maybe i just got an old version of Mangos or an old DB

i hope someone can help me =D
I have had nothing but problems with pets to the point where I tell people now it's not a good idea to roll a hunter. This has been consistent with every new mangos I get.
i made another server. this time mangos 3254 w/ db 0.6.2

i got a pet, and I could teach him the skill Growl. Other two skills I tried (great sta and natural armor (again these two)) didn't work. The rest of the skills my pet didn't have enough level to learn. So, I still don't know if the problem is with these two skills or with the pet system itself.
i'll test that tomorrow..

anyway, i got a new server w/ updated db ^^
I've been trying to get this working on my server forever. It must be an issue with the pets training points. Because growl does work, and growl doesn't use training points to learn, where most of the other spells do. Any spell that requires the use of training points from your pet do not work. Also training points are not deducted when you try to learn them, so I'm sure it goes back to this.