Beheading+bloom effect question

Client Side : open setting.ini

Under [Visual]

First two lines (HIGH_EFFECT=0, HIGH_EFFECT2=0)

And change the "0" to "1" (1 - Meaning Enable, 0 - Disable)
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That makes the mobs hurl their soul out when you behead them.

Edit: Bloom effect option should be ingame. You can turn it on/off.
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That makes the mobs hurl their soul out when you behead them.

Edit: Bloom effect option should be ingame. You can turn it on/off.

how to make it work exactly lol srry for being annoying but i wanna know lol
wot tu put in agelimit?

with bloom efect i dont c their soul lol just the head fall off...

im a noob XD:lol_1:
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It's not the 15 that matters, what is important is that you remove the ; infront of the line in MainConfig.txt

So instead of - ;AgeLimit=15 you erase the ; and you have AgeLimit = 15.

Then it should work.
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