Best Dance / Trance CD out :-O OMG SEX0R CD

MasterD said:
BUY THIS CD IF U LIKE DANCE OMG :hail: :hail: :hail:

best Dance CD of the Millenium so far :P hey another 996 and half years to make a better dance cd but it wont happen BUY THIS CD !!
how about mentioning what cd you're talking about? :D
Tupac said:
u dont even no what a wigga is lol

LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL @ don't know what a wigga is. FFS there isn't a person alive who doesn't know what that means, and it's **** old 2. If I didn't know what it meant how do u explain my last comment???:p
Tupac said:
cos u grew 1 hair down there and think u was tough and some 1 just called u it and u thought it sounded cool so u though hey ill bang that on the forum and hope ppl think i no what im talking about

lol @ that, the fuckin terms wwwwwwweeeeeeelllllllllllllll old find a nu word:p