Best site for BC CLIENT UPDATE

Experienced Elementalist
Apr 30, 2004
Reaction score
I got there all my patches_ 400-800 kb/s its 1 of the best i found in my live

Here the link:

Alll good luck!
You will need a full retail version of the game, beta ones are not able to upgrade to v2.0.8 or higher.

All you have to do (after correctly downloading and installing the full retail version) is log in with any name and password, and you will automatically download updates and patches. Keep doing this until you have v2.0.8.

And for external patches (patches you download yourself like wowfiles), you can go to WoW Wiki. (search it on Google, I'm not going to search for you)
Dude.... you dont understand me??? lol Ofcourse you need to buy_Borrow the full world of warcraft game. But if you dont wanne higher then version 2.08... you can update it from this webpage...
It was not meant as a reply, it was meant as a message for "newer" members who still have to find out how to update their game.

So I wrote that message like a little guide, so it would be easier to understand for new members.