Beta Client Release[Rel]

Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
From the creators of MocroStory and MocroGunz

Beta Less Lagg Client Released
I made a custom less Lagg Client Works fine no bugs glitches etc
its Client v55 (Needed to know if it works)
u get less lag Works fine with myn server [MocroStory]


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Mocro - Beta Client Release[Rel] - RaGEZONE Forums

Note: If u want this to work use a .bat file or hex edit the ip.

Whats gonne be in next client?:

Gonne Update v58 in the v55 client without Updating the Client
to v58 =)
Custom antihack
Window screen without dxwind

and maybe not sure Custom interface not sure im gonne release it yet

Nexon (for maplestory client)
OllyDBG (for making it less laggy)
Hex editor (for making it less laggy)
wz Packer+Unpacker (for making it less laggy)
and other software's that i cant say,

If u like it u can test the client at:

[email protected] to help or donate ;)
Re: [Rel]Beta Client Release[Rel]

OllyDBG (for making it less laggy)
Hex editor (for making it less laggy)
wz Packer+Unpacker (for making it less laggy)

how does that help make it less laggy@_@
Re: [Rel]Beta Client Release[Rel]

I'm guessing its a ploy to get people to play on his server. Note how he released nothing but a link to his server..?