Bilk Gates is Dead...

Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Bill Gates is dead.

Found this pretty funny. Havent really checked through the whole thing.

Nothing new, funny nontheless.

EDIT: FFS fucking typo in title god dammit -.-
Bill gates shall forever be known as:

Tags: bill, dead, funny, gates

Bill dead funny gates

You do know, when you search, it picks up the tags individually. That's why it asks you to put a comma between every tag. :eek:

And yup, the site is outdated, as I stated. Rhyme ftw.
That is stupid indeed. I bet this site will be closed as soon as someone form MS will know about it. =)

Why? It's been up for years and Microsoft have no reason to shut it down. I highly doubt they care.
... ok people need to start actually paying attention here. I am just about to bitch slap all those idiots who are saying "i didn't know he died!". For fucks sake open ur dam eyes before posting, and you would have seen that it said he died in 1999. Is that possible? It isn't is it? No, now go cry in a corner.