Bird bites Iain

Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
ElMarshal - Bird bites Iain - RaGEZONE Forums
look my sexy ui!

ElMarshal - Bird bites Iain - RaGEZONE Forums
i rather play Rappelz than WoW
Pretty decent game to be free tbh.
Highest i got was level 42 Paladin, but i had a level 60 on a shared account but the dude i was sharing it with took it ran and left me a note saying..

"LoL Nub!"

I wonder if he will come back xD!

ATM i am playing my BE Paladin. Level 9! and i CBA to play it at the moment [offtopic]cos i want to play CSS but my dad is watching asian porn on the net.. you know how much asian porn takes up on your bandwidth don't ya!.. well the same as any other piece of porn. [/offtopic]
Rappelz is fucking horrible. Silkroad is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better.
silk road was awesome when I first played it and they kept have too many people on the servers and I could only play like once every three days. For some reason it felt like a treat to wait for the game :P
I may play it again vendacku <3