BK Skills + Voice Sound Mu Skins 

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi all,

This time I edit some sounds of the BK skills.
I thought some voices with give the game some edges!

Just listen to the wav files and if you like it, just ad them into your "\Data\Sounds\" folder.

For now I will give you the coolest I got. There will be more.
But for now I give you all some to think about. Maybe this will give some of you new ideas.

eSwellLife.wav = Fortitude Skill (Your BK will scream it out when he powers up!)
eRageBlow_2.wav = Rage Blow Skill (The sound excist out of 3 parts and I made it like when your BK thrust the blade into the ground he will scream: Whoa!)



Re: [Release] BK Skills + Voice Sound

niceeeeeeeee i love them :D
but i think they are from another game ... or dunno :P try making the others too :D
Re: [Release] BK Skills + Voice Sound

niceeeeeeeee i love them :D
but i think they are from another game ... or dunno :P try making the others too :D

What I did was mix a sound from another game (the voice) together with the original sound.
And this is the result.

More to come
Re: [Release] BK Skills + Voice Sound

Really really cool..
What game are they from?
Can you make more?

Perhaps for Death Stab, Hellfire, Aqua Beam, Earthquake, Nova, etc.. skills where the char really moves to make skill.

Again, great job, 10/10
Re: [Release] BK Skills + Voice Sound

Really really cool..
What game are they from?
Can you make more?

Perhaps for Death Stab, Hellfire, Aqua Beam, Earthquake, Nova, etc.. skills where the char really moves to make skill.

Again, great job, 10/10

Thanks! The sounds are from the game Street Fighter.
I already experimented with the other sounds. But there is one problem. Some of the sounds are also used by monsters. So for example: Aqua Beam. That one is used by multiple monsters like the blue dragon in Icarus. and that does not sound very cool if it talks ^^. So I'm still busy to find out witch sounds are only used by Characters.

I'll update this post soon with more.
Re: [Release] BK Skills + Voice Sound

hey rotju u from netherlands so i ask to u in netherlands.
hey wil je dat swell sound anders maken??plz. dat Goku in super saiyan verandert en hij gaat toch schreven dus wil je plz die ene sounds op doen wanneer Goku in spuer sayan verandert plz maak dat ik smeek je.