
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
x Infinity +1
Just finished the series. And...WOW. One of the best anime series I've ever seen. I wish it didn't end.., I feel sad now that it ended. so cool.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend you go watch it! Great anime ;p
I agree with u guys. It was one cool anime :) To bad there's no continue atm... And the Blood+ Movie... That one sucks :P
Could you give us some backround info on the anime please, i need a new anime to get fixed on, though i dont feel like i could do with another letdown like Tenjou Tenge, i loved that anime and it just ended. Made me fux sad :(
Just finished the series. And...WOW. One of the best anime series I've ever seen. I wish it didn't end.., I feel sad now that it ended. so cool.

If you haven't seen it, I recommend you go watch it! Great anime ;p

Already made a topic on this lol, said the same stuff too =p like a month or two ago hehe
But yah I recommend it too
i watched just some episodes but they look great :)
here i found them peekvid
there are a lot of other anime Movies :P
peekvid works only good whit FireFox
the movies wont load whit internet explorer