BNS 2020 Server VM + Client (Simple Installation)

"In Windows members of local group Administrators always have superuser privileges in MS SQL"
So U need use Windows authentication and logon in system as member of local group Administrators

Fixed now ;)
ParadoxHacker What did you modified to reduce the police size? I mixed your client with another one to get all costume and it's the last think to do :)

i suggest you to check your files before publish thing , the stserver have problems probably you posted wrong ruby version
for those a plan to open wan server don't download those files

I don't understand such little things... Nothing prevents you from installing another version of Ruby, if you think you need...
The Virtual Machine is so arranged that the Server has never been started on it...
To behonest, I can't imagine what you mean by a WAN Server...
I just made the Server as simple and convenient as possible, and I personally have a Game it works quietly without Problems...

Fixed now ;)
@ParadoxHacker What did you modified to reduce the police size? I mixed your client with another one to get all costume and it's the last think to do :)


I didn't Understand anything You Said to Me...
If you are trying to add Costumes, I think it requires intervention, both in the Server Files and in the Client Files, I think you should already ask about this where you found these Costume Files...
I didn't Understand anything You Said to Me...
If you are trying to add Costumes, I think it requires intervention, both in the Server Files and in the Client Files, I think you should already ask about this where you found these Costume Files...

Yes, sorry, I was distracted when I was writing. I found all the costumes I wanted and I integrated them client side and server side thanks to some info found here or there. Everything works as expected on this side. In your original post, you specify that you upgraded the client with, among other things, a reduction in font size for the English version. That's just what I'm trying to do.
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Yes, sorry, I was distracted when I was writing. I found all the costumes I wanted and I integrated them client side and server side thanks to some info found here or there. Everything works as expected on this side. In your original post, you specify that you upgraded the client with, among other things, a reduction in font size for the English version. That's just what I'm trying to do.

Then it's easier for you to download my ready-made Client... I don't remember which File is responsible for Fonts... You can try to find Information about it yourself on the Internet, but even so, it is unlikely that you will find a way to Edit This File Correctly...
How do I add points like this?
1680463187834 - BNS 2020 Server VM + Client (Simple Installation) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Is there any way to add more character slots to an account?

Edit: NM I figured it out... If anyone else needs this, use the SQL Server Management studio, go to PlatformSlotDB -> dbo.Slots copy any of the lines that have SlotType 1 and change the first 2 characters on SlotId to the next one in the sequence.
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@ParadoxHacker the link to Client EN it's dead.
Torrent Links Work Properly, I Distribute Clients when I have Free Time...
I do not Know other Network Spaces where I could Place 50 GB of Information for Free for a Long Time...
I have already Distributed 2,5 TB of Data via Torrent...
Is this game doesnt got gm command ?
For GM Commands, a Client and Server Patch is Required...
I didn't Bother with this, since everything can be implemented without Commands through the DataBase...

Is there any way to add more character slots to an account?

Edit: NM I figured it out... If anyone else needs this, use the SQL Server Management studio, go to PlatformSlotDB -> dbo.Slots copy any of the lines that have SlotType 1 and change the first 2 characters on SlotId to the next one in the sequence.
Slots can be Bought in the Store for a Donation Currency...

How do I add points like this?
View attachment 173495
In the Main Post there is an Instruction on how to Change the Character's Experience, you can also change Currencies there...
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Hello. Tell me, please, is the BNS file in Google drive server files for deployment on VDS?
I couldn't find them there... Do you remember in what tab the character slot was on the store?
Indeed, there is no such Item in the Game... It's easier to create a second Account...

Hello. Tell me, please, is the BNS file in Google drive server files for deployment on VDS?
I do not know what VDS is... There are Files in Google Drive for Self-Installation and Configuration of the Server, but I do not attach Instructions...
I have found where to modify XP multiplyer, in game deamon xml ;)

I understant now why we can create a character who start at lvl 1 or at lvl 50!

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question :)
Can you point which file exactly to adjust exp. I Couldn't find that xml.
Check this in ...\GameDaemon\bin\ContentsRule.gamed.config
    <option name="test-server-exp-bonus-percent-npc" value="100"/>
    <option name="test-server-exp-bonus-percent-quest" value="100"/>
Paradox. ..Thx for sharing server files and client. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the Video! What Language do You Use?
If You could Share Your Game Client, I would Add the Ability to Download It in the Main Post!
Hi, thank you for sharing. I have a question that want to buff damage to the Fire BM
Do you know where I can change the skill damage or soul shield effect?
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fully working thanks for this release


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