Mods should let us reply 2 this utter crap. Also I should b allowed 2 continue the thread coz the mod didn't post at the end of the thread so I hav no idea who 2 PM about it.
Shut up and fuck off dumbass
LOL, wot was the point of sayin that when u continue with crap like this:Originally posted by bobo
I retract all I said,.
ur sayin that coz u can't handle ppl opposing u and the reason ppl r opposing u is coz ur a gobby little shit who does nothin but mouth off. That's actually bein a 'kid'.Originally posted by bobo
cause there r only little kids here, it's amusing to see so many idiots in such a well-developed country.
yes we're well known 4 havin shit loadsa terrorists, honestly. Jeez it's not like we fear 4 our lives coz the evil terrorists control us -.- U learn that in ur trampy lil school books? They teach u about that and how 2 speak English coz it's the only way thru that tunnel -.-Originally posted by bobo
You have it all, only thing that u need now is to start thinking, but what the heck can u expect from a country where terrorist kill people.
Originally posted by bobo
I've never seen so many butt-kissers like in England, starting with the prime minister. Right now u think about hiding under the bed when u hear a strange noise next to ur house (yes, there is a terrorist next to ur house that is hardly waiting to kill some idiots that invaded his country to steal the oil).
Originally posted by speedhorn666
Jeez it's not like we fear 4 our lives coz the evil terrorists control us -.- U learn that in ur trampy lil school books? They teach u about that and how 2 speak English coz it's the only way thru that tunnel -.-
yes yes that sci-fi site known as BBC newsOriginally posted by bobo
I enjoy your silly comments based on sci-fi sites (it's like saying a play sucks when u don't even saw it, just cause a dick-head tells u so), and ur indolence makes me so happy to be in Romania where people pay more attention to the others and their feelings.
wot u mean coz we give 2 much food away 2 put in shoe boxes 2 send 2 crappy countries like....o w8...... Romania. Ding DongOriginally posted by bobo
When u die of hunger.
The Queen is a pervert. btw none of us actually care about the Queen, if u didn't live in that hole they call 'Romania' u'd know that the country ain't run by the Queen. Also we r all 'indolent'. Terrorists come from shitholes like ur country, u can't afford enuf firearms 2 even consider threatening us -.-Originally posted by bobo
and terrorism I'm smoking weed and hash and spit on ur graves. APPLAUSE for the silly english kids that keep their brains in the bank just to own after a few years interest a normally devellopped brain. Long live the pervert queen and the indolent community.
Spoken like a true yank, difference is the yanks can feed themselvesOriginally posted by bobo
We should have another Boston Tea Party, only that we should finish the englishmen not the tea.
yep u keep thinkin..... u keep thinkin bout our gr8 facilities. c if we get an illness there's these lil things called hospitals. I understand in Romania u hav sumthin that goes by a similar name but it has to be funded....and to be funded the country needs money....Romania lacks money.... so ppl lack sanitation... so ppl die. So they go 2 cyber cafes 2 seek a place to sleep and to protect them from the coldOriginally posted by bobo
I finalise, I roll a joint and I leave u thinking about ur brilliant country.
Shut up and fuck off dumbass