Bought new PC, small problem.

Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ok so i downloaded CPU-Z.

Is that core speed right for a e6600? have i underclocked it somehow? would explain why the case is so quiet lol

When i was installing the CPU the heat sink was REALLY hard to get on, had to push hard. Could i have damaged it and thats why its slower?

Should i just try and OC it to like 3GHz? Or will that royaly screw it up? Or can i automatically OC it as much as possible without making it get too hot. Thats what i did with my GFX card and it worked fine...


It is Intel's version of Cool'n'Quiet.

It lowers your processor's speed when not in use to insure a low temperature. Try running a game and see if your processor speed changes, if it does you can be sure SpeedStep is enabled. You can disable it in your BIOS.
A C2D and no OC? Shame on you. I myself don't have an OC simply because my mobo doesn't like to OC.

You can easily get to 2.8-3.0 range on stock voltage and the temps wont increase all that much. Going from 2.66 to 3.0 on my setup only caused a 3c increase of temp on stock cooler. And all Conroes run at thoes speeds if you have a mobo that can support that FSB.

NoPeace - out
whatever you did, it somehow changed the multiplier... i always thought the multi was locked and u could only change the bus speed O.o

neway like i said in the other thread, mines oc'd 30% to 3.1ghtz and the stock cooler's still fine.

When I overclocked one it busted all over the place, didn't last 5 minuites at 20% let alone 30% I overclocked slowly for about 10 days. How did you get it that high
whatever you did, it somehow changed the multiplier... i always thought the multi was locked and u could only change the bus speed O.o

neway like i said in the other thread, mines oc'd 30% to 3.1ghtz and the stock cooler's still fine.

Multipliers are typically locked upwards and not downwards. So you can drop the multilier but not raise it unless you got one of thoe $999 ones.

That is now Cool'n'Quiet and SpeedStep works. It drops the multiplier down in order to reduce speed. If you would to drop the bus speed it will cause many errors due to unstable bandwidth.

When I overclocked one it busted all over the place, didn't last 5 minuites at 20% let alone 30% I overclocked slowly for about 10 days. How did you get it that high

Depends on the CPU. A Core 2 Duo will get you 50% easy if you have a e6300 to e6600. Even then you can get to 100% oc if you try hard enough, and with the e6300 its very likely to get that with some effort.

With 65nm Celerons. There is no real limit. The colder you make it the faster it goes. Out of the box you can get a 3ghz to 5-6ghz easy with good air or water coolers.

With older P4's it's harder as they are stressed out anyways and are so fast. So a 50% OC will be fastly higher then the default clocks of some current CPU's. The A64's are good overclockers on the low end also as all the CPU's are rated for the same speeds of 2.6-2.7ghz (like with the C2D as they are all rated for 3.0-3.2ghz).

With new CPU's most are the same and just the multiplier is different so 50% OC is nothing with current low end CPU's as they are the same as the 50% high clocked ones anyways. ;)

NoPeace - out
A C2D and no OC? Shame on you. I myself don't have an OC simply because my mobo doesn't like to OC.

You can easily get to 2.8-3.0 range on stock voltage and the temps wont increase all that much. Going from 2.66 to 3.0 on my setup only caused a 3c increase of temp on stock cooler. And all Conroes run at thoes speeds if you have a mobo that can support that FSB.

NoPeace - out

With the whole speed step thing i have yet to hit 2.4 GH lol

Best i have got it is 1.866GHz. I guess i need more games installed lol, while playing SWG it goes between 1.6 and 1.866.

I just dont see the point of OCing it when i dont use the processing power.
With the whole speed step thing i have yet to hit 2.4 GH lol

Best i have got it is 1.866GHz. I guess i need more games installed lol, while playing SWG it goes between 1.6 and 1.866.

I just dont see the point of OCing it when i dont use the processing power.

Then don't OC. =P

Speed step increses your speed as you need it. Go play a RTS game and you'll see it go up to 2.4ghz. =P

NoPeace - out
Yep, definatly agreed on that. New age RTS games, even ones like Age of Empires III and such will seriously push a CPU when yous et eh population to max, or run a mod with 1000+ pop max. Hell, graphics have nothign to do with it at that point, on my own computer.. 4 horus into a game liek that and its jsut ridiculously slow with the amount of AI the game is trying to push.
Yep, definatly agreed on that. New age RTS games, even ones like Age of Empires III and such will seriously push a CPU when yous et eh population to max, or run a mod with 1000+ pop max. Hell, graphics have nothign to do with it at that point, on my own computer.. 4 horus into a game liek that and its jsut ridiculously slow with the amount of AI the game is trying to push.

If you think that's bad. You should see Supreme Commander. With 8 people with 1000k pop limit.

The game in beta allowed 500, 5000, and 50,000 population limit but they found that 5k and 50k was to much for people's computer.

Imagine playing an 8-way game with a map that's 81km x 81km with 50k units for each player attacking all at once. You'll need a quad core setup with 8gb of ram and SLI 8800GTX's and still have some lag. O.O

NoPeace - out