Breakthrough ! +16/+17/+18

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Junior Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2006
Reaction score
quantumfusion - Breakthrough ! +16/+17/+18 - RaGEZONE Forums

Credits to rPT for the 105b items
Bidding off my most advance server exe
include damage bug fix , +18 aging , level 120( NOT 119 cap), Hair potion DC fix,new items 105a/b.
Bid start from 100 us$
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lol gets ur facts right b4 u type
go ask around who am i . u guys are using my leaked stuffs(Mcmadness pack) for ur info
and the reg script in asp is written by me
and the quantumfusion clan system
ur a fucking retard
i spend 3 days learning ASM to figure this.
Hence , i will never give this for free
what rpt credits ? its not stolen from rpt . i figured this out myself.
oh wait , u mean the 105b items . ok credit to sandurr for coming out wif custom skins for 105b items
I'll be pleased enough if you put in the first post 'Credits to rPT for the 105b items'
Since our 3d modeller spent time on making them
Thank You, gl on selling :)
Quantfusion tell me why u want money for +18 System are u stupid man! Look XPT they are really friendly and uploaded his server exe for free there work all thing but only +18 system dont work and u want for ur noob exe 100$ . I will give u a kick on ur ass-.-

lol then shutup , if u are not interested in it .
I know , i would, without those bad experiences, gladly share with the community but they are all assholes who are not grateful for all my contributions
it is not that i dun contribute . I did , i contribute a lot !
For eg: Clan system , clan management , mcmadness pack release, registeration scripts , anti-admin , gold rate etc.
Some of them even removed my credits and claimed they had make it .
I have given so much yet got threaten , accused and denied .
this is one fuck up dev forum. k , i quit pt development forever .this is hell.
why would i release my work for free when i dun even get recognised and sometimes got threaten and accused of hacking others people server ?
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Nice work, not buying it though someone will probably release it to the public and he'll get the credit..

Btw what does +17/+18 look like on a weapon, color I mean

mjeh +17 is ugly red/orangish low color
+18 is bright pink
for what i know , only sandurr and i know the solution to it .
i might be releasing this for free at the appropiate time , depending on how u guys treat me
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