/eventexp_begin [1-9999999%]
/eventitem_begin [1-9999999%]
/eventmoney_begin [1-9999999%]
/bighead [on/off] = All Online Characters in Bighead
/bighand [on/off] = All Online Characters in Big Hands(same as weapons too)
Characters Managements:
/kickuser [CharID] = allows to disconnect user
/charinfo_ci [CharID] = Shows the character information by character ID
/charinfo_cn [CharName] = Shows the character information by character name
Move Commands:
/move2char [CharName] = Move to Online Character
/m2c [CharID]
/move2gate [0-99] = Move to available map gate
/m2g [0-99]
/move2pos [##,##,X,Y] = Move to a coordinate
/m2p [##,##,X,Y]
Other Commands:
/fps_limit [on/off]
/freepk [on/off]
/visible [on/off]
/visible [on/off] = character visibility
/month [1-12] = Set Month in number
/time [1-24] = Set Time in 24 hour clock
/weather [clear/snow/begin/spore/leave]
EP4 Game Commands for GM
Quote: Events:
/eventexp_begin [1-9999999%]
/eventitem_begin [1-9999999%]
/eventmoney_begin [1-9999999%]
/event_ex_begin [speed/aspeed/attack]
/event_ex_end [speed/aspeed/attack]
/bighead [on / off] = All Online Characters in Bighead
/bighand [on / off] = All Online Characters in Big Hands(same as weapons too)
Characters Managements:
/kickuser [CharID] = allows to disconnect user
/charinfo_ci [CharID] = Shows the character information by character ID
/charinfo_cn [CharName] = Shows the character information by character name
/chatblock_ci [CharID, minute] = block character in minutes by character ID
/chatblock_cn [CharName, minute] = block character in minutes by character name
/chatblock_ua [uaccount, minute] = block character in minutes by user acount
/genchar_ci [charID]
/genchar_cn [CharName]
Move commands:
/move2char_cn [CharName] = Move to Online Character
/move2char_ci [CharName] = Move to Online Character
/m2c_ci [CharID]
/m2c_cn [Charname]
/move2gate [0-99] = Move to available map gate
/m2g [0-99]
/move2pos [##,##,X,Y] = Move to a coordinate
/m2p [##,##,X,Y]
Note: maps code (#) can be found on maps.list or maps.ini
Other Commands:
/server [delay/level1/level2/force/shutdown]
/weather [clear/snow/begin/spore/leave]
/warning_msg [on/off]
/profile [on/off]
/pk_mode [on/off]
/visible [on/off] = character visibility
/month [1-12] = Set Month in number
/time [1-24] = Set Time in 24 hour clock
/? = Emote Icons
Summoning Mobs:
/mob_gen 62,2,14,14
the 62,2 is the mobID that can be found on CrowStrTable.txt
while the 14,14 is the coordinates that can be seen on
top of screen compass
Loading & Unloading Event Maps in Game
/lev_new [filename.Lev] = Load Event Map
/lev_del = UnLoad Event Map
Lev files can be found inside the level.rcc file
you can open the file using winrar program