[bug]Eyes of the Beast Mangos 

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
none of the servers i have set up and played in .. have this skill working properly .. it just displays the beast .. you cant controll it .. and i also searched the forum and didnt find anything about it .. i dont know if i can or had to post this here .. but please .. if some one has this fixed on their server than plzz tell me how ... or tell me which repack .. release etc i should use to make this work .. thx in advance ..
btw its a hunters skill for those who dont know
I dont know if it work for you but i use Amber re-pack and it work fine for me
I dont know if it work for you but i use Amber re-pack and it work fine for me

i use ambers re-pack too .. the latest one .. just tried again .. this tiime with horde character .. it IS NOT working correctly ...
it only displays the pet .. you cant walk with it or anything else .. this should be fixed.. its a cool skills for hunters ..
Hmmm that is strange it work fine with me xD
its not ... your just stupid ... is it working for some one else too? this is mangos we are talking about .. on ascent its working a little better ..
:2gunsfiring_v1:its not ... your just stupid
i am not stupid, maybe the fix have happen in one of thouse .sql files i am useing....
And i am not useing ascent if your think that...

*Talk nice or just leave forum*
this is mangos we are talking about ..

Dont you think i know that we are talking about mangos? -.-'
We are posting on a mangos forum and then you think i think we are talking about ascent? *O_O* *Lol*

ps - since your not bin on this mangos forum that long ( i think soo ) then try to not be a
sry ... it lookes like everyone is on ascent forum .. i dont know why cuz mangos rulz ... ok than please if you find the fixed sql post it .. cuz i realy want to fix this ..
It works for me too XD Also have the amber-repack. But why do you want that skill anyway? It's completely useless >.<
Its not useless .. tactics duude .. tactics ... its great on raiding orgrimmar or stormwind .. or protecting it .. its like a lookout pet .. you run with it and wait till they come etc .. figure the rest out for your self and not just that ... but i did a fresh install the newest mangos amber .. so it cant be my fault .. if i use that spell .. i can see the pet .. but presing W A S D butons .. nothing hapens .. i cant controll it ... it just stands there ... and i cant find a fix anywhere ..

edit: Just spent few hours searching with google for the fix .. no success .. alos went to magosproject forum .. spent hours searching for the fix .. nothing .. than i used search for about an half an hour .. still.. no tking .. only complaints about this spell not wokring .. about mind controll not working etc .. so if you have mind controll working and eyes of the beast working .. than your one lucky guy ... i still dont beleve you cuz i spend so much time searching for the fix and couldnt find it .. but id doesnt matter .. some people say that this isnt the spells bugged .. its just one bugg .. for whole mob controlling thing . by fixing this one bug .. you would fix mind control, eyes of the beast etc other spells and quests where you have to control a mob or something ...
or .. you have some newest update.. which isn't the newest amber ...

sry for my bad english btw
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