bug need help with

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 3, 2007
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1st bug. when i spwn a fairy for me or somone eles they have the fairy but when i spawn 1 for myself or some over player when someone got a fairy it just says no free fairys

2nd bug. well it ant achley a bug i need top try chage exp but i cant find the exp file so i can change it
1. the fairy system is made so only one person has a fairy on the server on 1 time.

2. exp is in wordserver.conf, you could also use the command: /rate exp [number of exp rate]
e.g.:/rate exp 100000 (makes exp rate x100000)

if you still can't figure it out, you could join my server.
Is there a list of these commands including the /set and such, cause the list in the guide does not have these, and it seems like with every new revision there are new commands in the commands.ini

Thanks in advance.
Ani /ani [id]
Ann /ann [message]
b /b [message to broadcast]
Bodysize /bodysize [#]
Ban /ban [charname]
Cha /cha [slotname] [id] [stats]
Character Info /charinfo [charname]
Class /class [id] [charname]
Convert /convert [mobid] (target mob first)
DelSpawn /DELETESPAWN [id]
Dquest /dquest
Drop /drop [type] [id]
Dspawn /DSPAWN [mobid] [mobmin] [mobmax] [respawntime - in seconds]
Espawn /ESPAWN [database id] [aggresivity]
Exp /exp [amt] [charname]
Face /face [faceid = 0 to 12] [expression 0 to 3]
fairymode /fairymode [0 or 1]
fairystay /fairystay [time in min]
fairywait /fairywait [time in min]
fairytestmode /fairytestmode [0 ot 1]
Give2 /give2 [charname] [id] [type] [amt]
GiveFairy /givefairy [charname] [flag]
GiveZuly /givezuly [charname] [amt]
Go /go [id]
GoTo /goto [charname]
GoToMap /gotomap [mapid]
Hair /hair [hairid] (1 - 6)
Headsize /headsize [#]
Heal /heal
Here /here (sets respond back to that location)
Hide /hide [#] 1 - invisible 0 = visible
Info /info
Iquest /iquest
Item /item [itemid] [itemtype] [itemamount] [refine] [lifespawn] [stats] [socket]
Job /job [jobname] [charname] (must be level 10 with no job and only for 1st job)
Kick /kick [charname]
KillInRange /killinrange [radius]
Level /level [lvl] [charname]
LevelUp /levelup (levelup one level)
Mon /mon [monid] [count]
Move /move [charname] [map] [x] [y]
Moveto /moveto [x] [y] [z] (z is distance)
Mute /mute [charname] [time]
Npc /npc [id] (spawn an npc)
Pak /p (read packet.txt and send it)
Party Level /partylvl [level]
Playerinfo /playerinfo [charname]
Pvp /pvp (turns on PVP on current map)
Rate /rate [type] [amt] (type = drop or exp)
Reload /reload (reloads conf file)
ReloadQuest /reloadquest
Save /save
ServerInfo /serverinfo
Set /set [id] [refine]
Set (spawns) /SET (use after SSPAWN command)
Settime /settime [#] (0=morning, 1=day, 2=evening, 3=night)
ShopType /shoptype [id] (1-Igloo, 2-Fish, 3-Panda, 4-WaterSpots, 5-Moldie)
Skillp /skillp [amount] [charname]
Shutdown /shutdown [minutes]
Sspawn /SSPAWN [mobid] [mobmin] [mobmax] [respawntime - in seconds]
Stat /stat [stat] [amount] (Str, Int, Dex, Con, Sen, Cha)
Statp /statp [amount] [charname]
Summon /summon [monid]
TargetInfo /targetinfo (control click prior to see info on monster)
Tele /tele [map] [x] [y]
TeleToMe /teletome [charname]
Transx /transx [0 or 1] (0 - Male 1 - Female)
Who /who (shows you how many are online)
Who2 /who2 (shows you who and how many are online)

It was in rl2171's sig
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