burning crusade server

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
my buddy found this server its been tested with patch 2.05 and 2.06 and both work great some of the quest dont work tho other then that everything seems to run smooth just set your realmlist to wow-wnet.sytes.net there is no sign up when you goto sign in just put any user name in and use your username as the password so if your username is 1234 then your password would be 1234
i forgot to add when your making your character put a capital letter at the begging of your name if you don't it will keep saying name unavailable
*sigh* Does ANYBODY read the damn forum rules anymore? Just incase you missed it:
There is a section of RaGEZONE called "server advertisement" for a reason. Use it!
*sigh* Does ANYBODY read the damn forum rules anymore? Just incase you missed it:
There is a section of RaGEZONE called "server advertisement" for a reason. Use it!

i think arsenik made it clear enough for me to understand so how bout you STFU
lmao! You REALLY want to watch your language, otherwise nobody's gonna want to help you (me for one). Anyways, it's not my fault you're too damn stupid to read the forum rules and post in the right section...
i wont watch shit....big fucking whoop i didn't read the forum rules....you should have clearly read that someone else told me that theres is no advertising in this section of the forum and you come in and tell me the exact same thing either your just trying to get the last laugh or your just trying to boost your post count up either way i GOT IT THE FIRST FUCKING TIME you don't need to come in here and tell me again
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sorry to barge in mid argumen but does anyone know the emu there using cos its pretty solid 88+ players on and not to many bugs found so far.
Well smartass instead of advertissing the server maybee you can post the files your ussing here at least thats what the topic sugested so make our expetations come tru ;) Well im an yackass so dont nother my langues ;) but i wold love to get my hands on the files your ussein complete with db and all of that so we can enjoy it as well .
im not meaning to be rude here but first off dont called me a fucking smartass stupid bitch and second learn to read look at my first post...and the second one they both state that this is not my fucking server next time read the whole thread then ask questions iwish i knew what they were using then id have my OWN server up adn the topic doesnt suggest that this is a guide to setup your own server so i have NO clue where you got that from
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First of all it was ment to be funny what i post and in no way to start an flame war .
Second of all this is the forum spot of releases and there is only advertising stuf no release .
And third if it i sutch an good friend of yours it sould not be an problem for hin to pack things up and give it to you .
and forth never ever call me an stupid bitch yust becose i'm ... ROFLOL
And from what you have posted in the first post it looked like your friend hade the files reading it again and between the lines your friend is only an player there so command 3 is no use here then ;)
*sigh* Look. I don't wanna start you off hurling crap at me, so just listen to what I have to say and don't retaliate. I really think you should curb on your language, because when Lexx sees this thread, he ain't gonna be too pleased. Just a word of advice.
*sigh* Look. I don't wanna start you off hurling crap at me, so just listen to what I have to say and don't retaliate. I really think you should curb on your language, because when Lexx sees this thread, he ain't gonna be too pleased. Just a word of advice.

im trying to hold my tounge but i thought he was being serious

First of all it was ment to be funny what i post and in no way to start an flame war .
Second of all this is the forum spot of releases and there is only advertising stuf no release .
And third if it i sutch an good friend of yours it sould not be an problem for hin to pack things up and give it to you .
and forth never ever call me an stupid bitch yust becose i'm ... ROFLOL
And from what you have posted in the first post it looked like your friend hade the files reading it again and between the lines your friend is only an player there so command 3 is no use here then ;)

ok sorry for calling you a stupid bitch as i said above i thought you were being serious
and...my buddy's not the owner of this server the credit for that goes to