
Josh, I've never had a conflict with you. But if you would stop acting like a fucking 13 year old people wouldn't get upset with you.

If you hate the way people are treating you maybe you should see how you're treating them.

Posting shit like this solves nothing, and it only hurts you.

If you leave that's your choice, but it didn't have to end this way..
Last edited: dude, dont do this -.-, im afraid to say this, but you are actually a better part of the ragezone community (just look at your posts +2,000)

if you have to, just ignore kaoii and all those other mods you mentioned, you DO have a lifetime subscription you know, which is actually ten years, but still
p.s: It's been good while I was here but Kaoii got jealous because he is a tard.

Jealous of what, spamming the forum to get their post count up? I never knew removing 2,000 spam posts from someone would leave such an impact. Honestly Josh, I've seen people younger than me that are more mature than you are. As DaCheat said; if you didn't spam and post shit like this, maybe people would have just a little more respect for you.
Behavior makes behavior. Now go imagine why you get treated like you do. IRL if you punch someone in the face they won't hug you and ask to be their friend..

As a sidenote, I have absolutely no clue what this all is about, but it doesn't take a genius (that I am though :tongue:) to guess what(who) got it started, but you can always be the better man and stop it.