[BYOND] How to make a 2D MMORPG using this gamemaker?

Junior Spellweaver
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Everyone is me Again

Iam Really Interesting to make my Own Online 2d MMORP Adventure Game.

Iam using BYOND Program but i dont know what to do next like what code i need or html to get the game start.

Do anyone use BYOND?

IF there no way i can do the @d MMORP is there A Good Website For me to Download Game Program cause i Want to Make either a 2d Online MMORP or a Webase MMORP( like Darkthrone or FallenSword)

Is there a Website for download? game like Darkthrone

cause i want to make a Online Games

Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

Oh my god... Why don't you people FIRST learn programming and only THEN start to develop games or massive projects. Anyway, good luck...
Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

Get Visual Basic and make a single-player arcade game for practice. Something like C++ Builder or Delphi could be easy & fun for learning aswell. Learning things the right way will take you longer, but while using some 5-minute game generator is fast, it will never get you anywhere.
Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

...Something like C++ Builder or Delphi could be easy & fun...

Delphi is a super fun code. I love messing with Delphi ^_^
It's a pretty good language to start out on even though it's pretty unique

Don't listen to those guys though lol, you have fun making your game and learn something while doing it, that once you fail at it you can try again a second time and fail again but learn some more. Once you repeat this process several times you might be able to succeed in making a pretty crappy server ^_^
*the game/emu making business works like this*
Re: sage

...and why not MFC while we're on the topic of super-bloated inefficient languages...
For a beginner I like the possibility to just supply mostly assignments, maths, and whatever processing a simple dialog-based app requires. Not sure it's the best way to go about it, but it's certainly a way to start learning syntax and such while being able to produce something interactive and visual. I crossed that path at some point while I was still learning mostly basics and so far it turned out ok.

I don't think everyone needs to immediately step to the most efficient way to do things after reading a "learn this in 21 days" book.
Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

Use Game Maker if your a beginner. Easy enough. If you wanna go more advance for GM, just buy a license.

Edit: whoops. I missed the MMORPG part. I guess you gotta make your own Game Engine and make the game. Might take a long time though.
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Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

The only problem with game makers are 1.) Your not unique and 2.) Severe limitations. If you were to code a game from the ground up, where its limitations are would be set by the language and your skills.
Re: I want to make a 2d MMORP Adventure Games, I got a Program call BYOND

BYOND is pretty easy to make things with, the language is a mix of C+ and some other language which I forgot.
But, it's easy to learn, only took me about 1 / 2 weeks to work most of it out.