C++ 2011 Tutorial 1

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 13, 2011
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I just thought since I had it, maybe I'd share it?

Your First Program
Now that you have you have your recommended tools for C++, Fire up your favorite text editor or your C++ IDE and start your first project or create a new file. Name this file list0101.cpp, which is short for listing 1-1. Several different file name extensions are popular for C++ programs. I like to use .cpp, where the "p" means "plus". Other common extensions are .cxx and .cc. Some compilers recognize .C (uppercase C) as a C++ file extension, but I don't recommend using it because it is too easy to confuse with .c (lowercase c), the default extensions for C programs. Many desktop environments do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase file names, further compounding the problem. Pick your favorite and stick with it. Type in the text contained within Listing 1-1. (With one exception, you can download all the code list for below. I want you to get used to typing C++ code in your text editor.)

Code 1-1 ~ Your first Program

/** Listing 1-1. Testing Your Compiler */
/// Sort the standard input alphabetically.
/// Read lines of text, sort them, and print the results to the standard output.
/// If the command line names a file, read from that file. Otherwise, read from
/// the standard input. The entire input is stored in memory, so don’t try
/// this with input files that exceed available RAM.
/// Comparison uses a locale named on the command line, or the default, unnamed
/// locale if no locale is named on the command line.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <locale>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

/// Read lines of text from @p in to @p iter. Lines are appended to @p iter.
/// @param in the input stream
/// @param iter an output iterator
template<class Ch, class Tr, class OutIter>
void read(std::basic_istream<Ch,Tr>& in, OutIter iter)
    std::basic_string<Ch,Tr> line;
    while (std::getline(in, line))
        *iter = line;

/// Sorter function object.
/// Parameterize the class with the character type used for strings.
/// The sorter object caches a locale and its @c collate facet, to use for
/// comparing strings.
template<typename Ch>
class sorter
    /// Construct the sorter object, caching the locale that has the given name.
    /// @param locname The name of the locale to cache.
    sorter(Ch const* locname) :
        collate_(std::use_facet<std::collate<Ch> >(loc_))
    /// Construct a default sorter object, using the global locale.
    sorter() :
        collate_(std::use_facet<std::collate<Ch> >(loc_))
    /// Compare for less-than, for use as a comparison predicate with any
    /// standard algorithm.
    /// @param lhs left-hand side operand
    /// @param rhs right-hand side operand
    /// @return true if @p lhs < @p rhs in the given locale, false otherwise
    template<typename Tr>
    bool operator()(const std::basic_string<Ch,Tr>& lhs,
                    const std::basic_string<Ch,Tr>& rhs)
            return collate_.compare(lhs.data(), lhs.data()+lhs.size(),
                                  rhs.data(), rhs.data()+rhs.size()) < 0;
    std::locale loc_;                     ///< cached locale
    const std::collate<Ch>& collate_;     ///< cached @c collate facet

/// Make a sorter object by deducing the template parameter.
/// @param name the locale name to pass to the sorter constructor
/// @return a new sorter object
template<typename Ch>
sorter<Ch> make_sorter(Ch const * name)
    return sorter<Ch>(name);

/// Main program.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Throw an exception if an unrecoverable input error occurs, e.g.,
    // disk failure.

    // Part 1. Read the entire input into text. If the command line names a file,
    // read that file. Otherwise, read the standard input.
    std::vector<std::string> text; ///< Store the lines of text here
    if (argc < 2)
        read(std::cin, std::back_inserter(text));
        std::ifstream in(argv[1]);
        if (not in)
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        read(in, std::back_inserter(text));

    // Part 2. Sort the text. The second command line argument, if present,
    // names a locale, to control the sort order. Without a command line
    // argument, use the default locale (which is obtained from the OS).
    std::sort(text.begin(), text.end(), make_sorter(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "" ));
    // Part 3. Print the sorted text.
    std::copy(text.begin(), text.end(),
              std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));
catch (std::exception& ex)
    std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << ex.what() << '\n';
    std::cerr << "Terminating program.\n";
catch (...)
    std::cerr << "Caught unknown exception type.\nTerminating program.\n";

Alright thats great, Now go back and double-check your source code. Make sure you entered everything correctly.

Did you actually double-check the program?____________

Did you find any typos that needed correcting? _________

No doubt, some of this code is gibberish to you. That's okay. The point of this exercise is not to understand C++, but to make sure you can use your tools properly. The comments describe the program, which is a simple sort of utility. I could have started with a trivial, "Hello, world" type of program, but that touches only a tiny fraction of the language and library. This program, being slightly more complex, does a better job at revealing possible installation or other problems with your tools.

~End of tutorial one!
~Press the like button!
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
1- this dosent help me at all
2- prefer programs that u use and other requirements use..

for a better topic trust my suggestion
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score

Found on:

From "Honing Your Tools" :sneaky2:
Don't plagiarize. If you want to point to useful links or books please post in the Resources Sticky in Coder's Paradise.

And you left out a few pages... As the post above subtly points out.

Delete this..
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1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
How is this even a tutorial?
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
This so way too complicated for a newbeginner to even start out with.
All that code is going to make them ditch the whole idea of learning C++ cus it will look too complicated to just be lesson 1.
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