[C#] Editing binary file on a real example

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
I want to simplify the leveling in the game Jade Dynasty.

Using the hex editor I'm looking for the starting address of the table experience "no reborn".
hex - [C#] Editing binary file on a real example - RaGEZONE Forums

I found him. Lets move on... to code with my comments.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;

namespace чтение
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double[] levels = new double[150]; //Create an array of double (150 lvl - maximum)
            string filename = @"G:\Games\Jade Dynasty\element\data\elements.data"; //path to file
            BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(filename), Encoding.Default); //create reader
            binr.BaseStream.Seek(18893719, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Move to your address
            for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++) // Until the end of the array elements
                levels[i] = binr.ReadDouble(); // Read double
                levels[i] =levels[i]/5; // Editing values
            binr.Close(); // Reading completed
            FileStream fs=new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open,FileAccess.ReadWrite); //Create new filestream
            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs, Encoding.Default); //Create new binarywriter
            bw.BaseStream.Seek(18893719, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Move to your address
            for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++) // Until the end of the array elements
                bw.Write(levels[i]); //Write double
                Console.WriteLine("Written "+i+" value."); //info
            Console.WriteLine("Done!"); //info
Now I can quickly pump my character.
hex - [C#] Editing binary file on a real example - RaGEZONE Forums
I hope that helped newcomers.
Hi ,
I know this thread is old but the author is active .

I'm trying to do this on my binary files but I'm tired of trying and searching,
I looked around and found that it matches the code you posted, except a few differences .

My bin file is a table, it looks like lines in the client side, the Server side is a MySQL table and the server makes it work if it matches the same data in the client, but the Client side file is compiled .

I found the code that decompile one of my files, but not the one I need
my code:
// reading the bin
byte[] array = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(BinaryFilePath);
            for (int i = 4; i < array.Length; i++)
                array[i] -= 100;

    // and this code saves it
    private static void Save(byte[] file)
            for (int i = 4; i < file.Length - 4; i++)
                file[i] += 100;
            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(BinaryFilePath, file);
I'm trying to make it possible with editing the binary & saving it
can you please try it and give me some information about this ?
here is my bin file, take a look at it

Thanks in Advance .
Simple Example on serialization, it is more managed. it also helps to version your objects for backward compatibility.

Also can be used not only for files but it can be used for network and memory steams.
public interface ISerializable
	bool Serialize(BinaryWriter stream);
	bool Deserialize(BinaryReader stream);

The base object you want to serialize and deserialize, and a serialization version for backwards compatibility. For serialization you can also add serialization versions methods, if you want to serialize backwards or to not be too messy
public class World : ISerializable
	private  const int m_nVersion = 2;

	// added in V1
	public int m_nX, m_nY, m_nW, m_nH;

	// Added min V2
	public List<Player> m_players = new List<Player> ();

	#region Constructors
	public World ( int nX, int nY, int nW, int nH)
		m_nX = nX;	
		m_nY = nY;
		m_nW = nW;
		m_nH = nH;
        #endregion Constructors

	#region ISerializable

	public bool Serialize (BinaryWriter stream)
		stream.Write (m_version);
		// added in V1
		stream.Write (m_nX);
		stream.Write (m_nY);
		stream.Write (m_nW);
		stream.Write (m_nH);

		// Added min V2
		stream.Write (m_players.Count);
		foreach (Player player in m_players) {
			player.Serialize (stream);

	public bool Deserialize (BinaryReader stream)
		bool bResult = false;
		int nVersion = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		switch (nVersion) {
		case 1: 
				bResult = DeserializeV1 (stream);
		case 2: 
				bResult = DeserializeV2 (stream);

		return bResult;

	#endregion ISerializable

	private bool DeserializeV1 (BinaryReader stream)
		m_nX = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		m_nY = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		m_nW = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		m_nH = stream.ReadInt32 ();

		return true;

	private bool DeserializeV2 (BinaryReader stream)
		bool bresult = DeserializeV1 (stream);

		int nCount = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++) {
			Player player = new Player ();
			player.Deserialize (stream);

			m_players.Add (player);

		return bresult;

The Player class as a sub object for deserialization
public class Player : ISerializable
	private const int m_nVersion = 1;

	// added in V1
	int m_nX, m_nY;
	#region Constructors
	public Player (int nX, int nY)
		m_nX = nX;
		m_nY = nY;
        #endregion Constructors

	#region ISerializable
	public bool Serialize (BinaryWriter stream)
		stream.Write (m_version);
		// added in V1
		stream.Write (m_nX);
		stream.Write (m_nY);

	public bool Deserialize (BinaryReader stream)
		bool bResult = false;
		int nVersion = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		switch (nVersion) {
		case 1: 
				bResult = DeserializeV1 (stream);
			return bResult;
	#endregion ISerializable

	private bool DeserializeV1 (BinaryReader stream)
		m_nX = stream.ReadInt32 ();
		m_nY = stream.ReadInt32 ();

		return true;

How to use it, plus the code will not be messy.
World myWorld = new World (0, 0, 100, 100);

myWorld.AddPlayer (new Player (50, 53));
myWorld.AddPlayer (new Player (80, 25));
myWorld.AddPlayer (new Player (10, 75));

using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream ()) {
	using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter (Stream)) {
		myWorld.Serialize (writer);

	using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader (Stream)) {
		myWorld.Deserialize (reader);