C# Sudoku Solver - Enhanced Backtracking

JavaScript Is Best Script
Dec 13, 2010
Reaction score
It's 2 am and I spent a whole night writing up a GUI Sudoku Solver.

The algorithm is a slightly modified version of a traditional Sudoku solver. Though it is slower than the traditional version in some cases, it is generally faster. However, it uses more space than the traditional version. How much more? 4 * 81 * 81 = 26244 bytes. Of course, though faster than a traditional brute-force or backtracking algorithm, my algorithm is nowhere near Veteran Donald Knuth's Algorithm X.

The link below contains the download link for the binary and source files, as well as the sufficient description of the algorithm, which I am unable to rewrite at this point of time (It's 2 am D.

Please do forward any suggestions or bugs to me should you find any.
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