C2 Stuff! L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
5th LvL of Hell
Can some one post a link to the files for or can post the link for the korean client im dieing to mess around with the C2 equipment :hippy: :hippy: :hippy: :hippy:
dude C2 isnt out yet for korean yet well i think it is but they havent programmed it yet for the server emulater be patient they arnt even done it yet....
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C2 is a ADD on to what is currently in game
more monsters / armor / weapons / Striders / Wyvrens etc etc

and thats kinda weird i seen screen shots on a forum showin off C2 armors/weapons......oh well guess ill have to wait, oh the agony :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1 :drooling1
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Cool. I remember in beta how the textures were all crappy, and then when they launched it they added the real text models, so there was more depth and such.
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