Callin togeather Team RZ!

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well if u make it easy 4 me and priovide link + sum txt 21 copy+paste then I'll do it :P

I swear MentaL will ban you if the Mir staff get's annoyed. You see the mir staff can get this site closed, sure it won't be for long etc but it will get MentaL more work and more shit.

Now if you spam the forums with RageZone then they will get this place down, in either way MentaL won't benefit from it.

These plans have been brought up before, but it ain't worth it.
Maybe because RZ is running a illegal server?

The site have already been closed before for a while because of them.

Aslong they don't have to much problem from us then they don't care, however when their forums get spammed then they will get annoyed and come for RZ.
ok 2 clear this up

dont be daft

ok ragezone IS an illegal server, we COULD be closed down, but atm its not worth it, wemade and gn agree we're so small and no threat to them, they will let us be.

but if ur daft enough to push them, cuz u think they cant do nothing then u shouldnt be here, if we're interfering with them commercially and community wize then eventually they'll ave enough and do something...
Darknightr said:
ok 2 clear this up

dont be daft

ok ragezone IS an illegal server, we COULD be closed down, but atm its not worth it, wemade and gn agree we're so small and no threat to them, they will let us be.

but if ur daft enough to push them, cuz u think they cant do nothing then u shouldnt be here, if we're interfering with them commercially and community wize then eventually they'll ave enough and do something...
yeah but they not doin RZ spam now, jus regular spam ;)
Do remember that people from the Staff are likely checking these forums, so to show that RZ doesn't support this then it might be a good thing to close this...

Also i fail to see the humor of spamming a other site, must be me i guess...
Darknightr said:
ok 2 clear this up

dont be daft

ok ragezone IS an illegal server, we COULD be closed down, but atm its not worth it, wemade and gn agree we're so small and no threat to them, they will let us be.

but if ur daft enough to push them, cuz u think they cant do nothing then u shouldnt be here, if we're interfering with them commercially and community wize then eventually they'll ave enough and do something...


Nik-C said:
ok I wont mention RZ, but they still av to be mass spammed!

Gohan fuck you. You think you know it all go fuck a chimp u ugly cunt.
GohanSSJ said:
He was telling me to fuck him? No thanks, i don't do things on command, he can go try and control someone else, but not me!!!

heh, I guess Joe was right eh haha! un-educated fool.

An jus so yah cant say owt, when I was sayin chimp I was refering to your fat fucking mother you fucking ugy twat.
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