Can you Spawn new Mobs? I can't

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 16, 2007
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Hi Guys

Im New to this so please bear with me.

Im trying to get more mobs to spawn.

I want to be able to spawn a different mob for example MrCanny! or the Chikens! and enable them to drop the rare skill books

I can add the books to mobs that are in the game already but to make it a bit newer/exciting I thought new mobs may be better!

I have added them into the List_Spawn in the SQL with no problems apart from they do not spawn!!!!and when also linked the List_Drop I get errors as the world server starts. Sry forgot to get the error.

Have any of you managed to add in new spawns?
Try at osRose tbh, tomiz or rl2171 know how to do it I'm sure.
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