Mar 7, 2007 #1 D death551 Newbie Spellweaver 10 Happy Years Joined Oct 20, 2005 Messages 5 Reaction score 0 Location Phoenix,Arizona can you use any server to create a "fun server" or in there a certain kind? thanks for your time.
Mar 7, 2007 #2 EvilBat Newbie Spellweaver 10 Happy Years Joined Nov 27, 2006 Messages 55 Reaction score 1 Location somewhere you can make any server a "fun server" I belive its just in modding the xp rate and such.
Mar 7, 2007 #3 D death551 Newbie Spellweaver 10 Happy Years Joined Oct 20, 2005 Messages 5 Reaction score 0 Location Phoenix,Arizona alright thanks but if you've ever palyed one then you know that it has like all the teleports and quests and stuff and i was wonderig if there was a program for it or if i have to add them in myself
alright thanks but if you've ever palyed one then you know that it has like all the teleports and quests and stuff and i was wonderig if there was a program for it or if i have to add them in myself
Mar 8, 2007 #4 tr4shm4n Mythic Archon 500 Posts 20 Happy Years Joined Dec 13, 2003 Messages 727 Reaction score 5 Location Netherlands Try prage mangos release for funsever I belive its the only fun pack atm up here Project rage release topic sould not be far away find it
Try prage mangos release for funsever I belive its the only fun pack atm up here Project rage release topic sould not be far away find it