Cannot find Map 409

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

Not a noob but first post.

Have been running mangos for a month after switching from WoWEMU.

Currently running Haken's 3135 Core with Hakens 102 SDB.

Getting error whenever attempting to go to Molten Core. Seems Map 409 does not exist. Have Verified Coordinates are correct by searching these forums Via Google since the search button is gone.

If I enter the Portal from Black Rock Depths, the Server Crashes.
If I Try to Teleport to Molten Core I get a message that says the map does not exist.

I have extracted my own maps using the latest AD.exe and even downloaded updated maps from this forum and still no luck.

This issue has existed through all Revisions of Mangos that I have tried.

Your help would be appreciated.
Are you 100% certain the maps are in the correct directory? Have you tried manually finding the Molten Core map?
Are you 100% certain the maps are in the correct directory? Have you tried manually finding the Molten Core map?

So, this may be the issue. All maps that I have are in the proper directory as everything else works (as well as can be expected for an emu)

What would be the name of the map file for Map 409.

Maps are name and I do not have a file named Is this correct as to what to look for? If so, would it be possible for you to post a link for this map?
409 is the map ID, if I'm not mistaken, so it will be the first 3 #'s of the map filename.

ephesious - Cannot find Map 409 - RaGEZONE Forums

Attached is a screenshot of a partial list of the .map files. as you can see, the first mapfile is Could someone check their .map files and verify there is no

or, if somebody does have this, then please send me a link.

Also I have downloaded maps from this forum that do not have this particular map either.

Thanks for the help.
Is there no one that can help???

Surely I cannot be the only one having this issue and if I am, then lots of people have the correct map files.

Thank you!!
did you extract the maps again using ad.exe on your current wow client then overwrite them all to see if it works

cus if you just downloaded the maps, sometimes they could be from the wrong version.

and are you sure u have the correct client version for that server.
did you extract the maps again using ad.exe on your current wow client then overwrite them all to see if it works

cus if you just downloaded the maps, sometimes they could be from the wrong version.

and are you sure u have the correct client version for that server.

Yes, Like I mentioned in the first post, I have extracted the maps using the latest AD.exe. Also the client is 1.12.1 which is correct for the core version. But then again if it was wrong I would not be able to log in and like I stated before everything else is working fine. There are currently 15 to 20 people a day that play on the server and I have over 30 accounts.
I noticed this problem to, I extracted the newest maps of 1.12.2 and it isn't workin!!! I only installed the newest core of mangos! :(