• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Can't connect to my own server.

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My friends are having trouble connecting to my server. They say they get server under maintainance and it shows there ip adress trying to get connected on the loginserver command promt but it keeps saying they got disconnected.
I'd greatly appreciate help on this, please. I've built the executables, run them in the correct order, run rosegameguard.exe, run ROSE, and then I get the "Server is currently under maintenance" error when I try to log in. The server programs don't have any errors listed - I don't think it's a database problem.

My LAN Subnet Mask:

Here's how I've configured things:
'Channels' table - all have the WAN IP.
config.ini - LOGINSERVER, CHARSERVER, and WORLDSERVER all have the WAN IP.
charserver.conf - serverip is set to my WAN IP, lanip is set to my LAN IP, lansubmask is set to my LAN Subnet Mask. Access level is set to 100.
loginserver.conf - serverip is set to my WAN IP, lanip is set to my LAN IP, lansubmask is set to my LAN Subnet Mask. Access level is set to 100.
worldserver.conf - serverip is set to my WAN IP, lanip is set to my LAN IP, lansubmask is set to my LAN Subnet Mask. Access level is set to 100.
Router - forwarded TCP ports 29000-29200 from my WAN IP to my LAN IP.
Hosts file - my WAN IP is redirected to
ROSE Launcher (lconfig.nhd) - uses my WAN IP.

What have I missed? I'd really appreciate a swift response, thank you. I just want this server so that my girlfriend and I can play this together (the memories, etc.).

In all your config files lansubmask should be 192.168.0
also make sure you are using the rose online launcher from
My friends are having trouble connecting to my server. They say they get server under maintainance and it shows there ip adress trying to get connected on the loginserver command promt but it keeps saying they got disconnected.
Make sure you have port 80 open on your firewall and /or router
Surely that wouldn't work? Since Hamachi is to help other people connect, right?

Just tried that, it didn't work. But thanks anyway. But surely that wouldn't have any effect since I'm already redirecting my WAN IP to my LAN IP via my hosts file?

Please, any other suggestions? I'd really, really like to get this working today, since my girlfriend is going away for a while and I just wanted to have some time to play with her first. Many thanks in advance, it's very much appreciated. It must just be an IP/port issue (well, as far as I can tell), but I don't know what.

Edit: Also, do I forward ports as TCP or UDP? Thank you.

What did you do to fix it?
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