• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Cant use + in Charinfo!!

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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Ok i dont Really know why are Stats arent working but is there somnething we need like Stat Scripts or a DOWNLOAD please help :juggle:
Stats work fine. What server version are you using and client?
Okay, then everything seems fine. You did level and get stat points right..?
yes but when u have 15 str dex con and all that u click + it doesnt go up >..>

ok here is the problem really ok so when we level up and my access level is 300.. after some more people logged and i made them gm they started to use /stat str and that command setting stats to 7000 then after that server d/c then no one could use Status Points on there Stats... and i have tried all i can to fix this maybe its scripts... any ideas

can somone please help me...
Don't triple post. Second, find their user in the SQL and change the 7000. It won't go past 7000.
no thats not it umm sorry for triple post.... eeh my bad but i have done that all charactors are wiped and set to starting stats... but it still doesnt work
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