cant use .setlevel and other commands

Oct 29, 2005
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hi everyone i was just wondering if any1 knew why i cant use gm commands such as .setlevel i am using the tbc 2.0.8 server by mangos and when i type in the commands it says "there is no such command" i hope some1 can help me also i set my gm level to 6 so yea
hi everyone i was just wondering if any1 knew why i cant use gm commands such as .setlevel i am using the tbc 2.0.8 server by mangos and when i type in the commands it says "there is no such command" i hope some1 can help me also i set my gm level to 6 so yea

Try typing .command
You might have new commands, .setlevel is not a very popular command anymore on most servers, try .level, .lookupitem, .additem, etc... If you still have problems, then check your Navicat or SQLyog database and look under Mangos for "Commands" and you might find them there.