CaveJam Private 

Initiate Mage
Dec 29, 2020
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Hi, I am the creator of which is a free Habbo alternative - some of you here have been playing it. It's similar to Habbo Hotel - you can create rooms and hang out with people, but with the addition of mining like in Minecraft to earn the coins to buy the furniture.
You can see videos of the game here:

Currently there is no mobile version so you can only play on a computer.
I noticed that a lot of players were fleeing Habbo and I was wondering if there is anything I can do to make CaveJam more appealing to Habbo players.

I created CaveJam in Javascript (HTML5) with Node.js on the backend. I coded the client and server from scratch.
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The idea is cool! I like it, however not everything is smooth yet. Zombies are cool and all but WAY too OP. Pathfinding sometimes is a bit weird and altho the mining is cool with the OP zombies it's a bit unfair. I love the idea of mining for currency though!

Is this going to be its own thing or is the code ever gonna be released?
I am happy you tried it out! Any other suggestions?
The mobs are still in 'beta' since I added them this month.
The trick to killing them is TNT!
I don't plan on releasing the code.

The idea is cool! I like it, however not everything is smooth yet. Zombies are cool and all but WAY too OP. Pathfinding sometimes is a bit weird and altho the mining is cool with the OP zombies it's a bit unfair. I love the idea of mining for currency though!

Is this going to be its own thing or is the code ever gonna be released?
You have to place it on a floor that you mined, then double-click it, it will blow up in a few seconds. So you have to time it correctly to blow up the zombies!

I tried using TNT but it never gave me the option to, it only says sell or chart. Clicking on the zombies allows me to trade with them or go to their home? So not sure what I'm doing wrong there.