Chapter 7 Loginscreen

Posted 19 hours ago, i just saw this post some minutes ago. strange thing :D

Other than that...very nice! And i bet you've done a lot of nice things on your server ^^
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7.X.X x64 client + server when

Chapter 7 appears to have some nicely detailed scenes there.
I guess there is a way to extract this from official Client and transfer it to our one ? Or do you really made it from the get go ?
I know the change to Login Episode = 7, can someone give a hint what else to do ?
Yeah i my self would like to add this too the source can any one point me in the right direction or explain it here how to do it please ?
Yeah i my self would like to add this too the source can any one point me in the right direction or explain it here how to do it please ?

-> AccountLogin.cpp, login environment is handled here

Take a look at the code, understand how it works and add the login_ch7.wdb and camera layout.
Ok, so as i see chapter 7 stuff is already in the client-source but in terms of "cameraflight" values its copy/pasted the data from chapter 6.


m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back( sCameraLayout( -1304.83f, 1827.82f, -818.40f , 4.87f , 53.82f, 0.0f, 272.18f , 0.0f ) );
m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back( sCameraLayout( -1193.22f, 1649.01f, -780.18f , 38.57f , 56.79f , 0.0f, 120.0f , 1.0f ) );
m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back( sCameraLayout( -1082.01f, 1624.29f, -711.99f , -2.0f , 52.11f , 0.0f, 30.0f , 1.7f ) );

m_fPlayerHeight = 1614.1000f; float angle = 52.11f * ruPI / 180.0f; m_PlayerDirection = CRuVector3( -sin(angle), 0.0f, -cos(angle) );

g_pGameMain->SetLoginWdbFileName( "wdb\\login\\login_ch7.wdb" );
-> AccountLogin.cpp, login environment is handled here

Take a look at the code, understand how it works and add the login_ch7.wdb and camera layout.

And how exactly does that contribute to solving the problem? Feeling a little better about yourself now after acting from a high horse there? Compensated for getting dumped today or having your boss shit on you at work?
So has anyone figure this out yet ?

No one has post the fix for this for everyone???
I'm very much confused this is code that already existed. it's easy to set up inside of the INF.
so what is the problem that everyone is having so we can try to solve it

Untitled - Chapter 7 Loginscreen - RaGEZONE Forums
Whats in the Source Code for Chapter 7 are the values for Chapter 6, so the login screen is literally empty if you use LoginEpisode = 7

Its like FHT told, you have to understand the camera layout (x,y,z axe etc). I for myself havent looked at it any further.

Arcadia has some huge camera flight in their last client i had a look into.
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Too add it to any client just fix your update.inf change file update_xxx.ini xxx would be your country code
then just change it like i did below.. Thanks fht, Mageoski.

LoginEpisode = 7  <---- add in 7
CheckMemory =1300
ItemMallHelpContent = 1

then add in what fht pasted above right above the chapter 6 code.... example below

void CAccountLogin::InitLoginEnvironment()
    int chapter = g_pGameMain->GetLoginEpisodeVersion();
    //chapter = 1 + rand() % 6;
    if (chapter == 7)
        m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back(sCameraLayout(7118.0f, 562.0f, 2806.0f, 32.0f, -56.0f, 0.0f, 272.0f, 0.0f));
        m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back(sCameraLayout(6330.0f, 49.0f, 3194.0f, 15.0f, -73.0f, 0.0f, 158.0f, 1.6f));
        m_AccountLoginCameraLayout.push_back(sCameraLayout(5530.69f, 12.0f, 3575.12f, 9.0f, -64.0f, 0.0f, 30.0f, 1.4f));

        m_fPlayerHeight = 2.0f;
        float angle = 296.00f * ruPI / 180.0f;
        m_PlayerDirection = CRuVector3(-sin(angle), 0.0f, -cos(angle));

    else if( chapter == 6 )

it should all change after....

If someone needs client.exe already with the addition of the entry screen of the seventh chapter, I made it for you :)
I personally checked, everything works)
