• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

Char Create Help

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Im In My House Right Now.
Ok I am using lg's SQL and his matchserver files yesterday i could make a char and i made a char for myself but since i am a admin a kid started quest without me so i tryed joining and it locked my computer on the loading screens i had to manually shut down my computer (ie flipping the switch in the back of the tower)
and when i booted up i asked my friend to get on and he could not make a char he got error message

NOMSG-1 And Nothing Else

I Can't Fix This Can Someone Help Me Or Just Find The Procedure To Fix This I Am Releasing My Server Today And I Need This Repaired

And On LG DataBase SomeTimes I Get A Negitive Bounty When Using Lg's Database How I Fix If I Fix Will It Mess Up Something Else In The Database
I get that same message when making a character. Think the reason why it happens is because you removed 1 or more of the items that character gets as default equpment from the game.
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To set the default items, you need to update you spInsertChar, with alot of if's >> I made a little of it a couple of weeks ago, but didn't finished it. And never will it I think :S

Or you do it on an easy way, like edit the procedure and place some item numbers in it, or melee and primary and secondary,
i mean something like this, replace the Melee, primairy and secondairy by items number
But for clothes you need to make an IF in it, because an man cannot equip woman clothes, and viceversa

The nomsg error, can have alot of reasons, We you make an character with an name thats in use, or and name thats to long, and the strings.xml is not correct you will get also an no-msg error
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