Church or other map as login screen.. HOW?

Login.mrs is almost exactly the same as a map file. If you open login.xml you will notice that it is very close to any map xml the diffrence is there is only 1 spawn dummy no world item dummys and the login.xml has 2 camera possition coordinate dummys.

If you take a normal map file and rename the BSP COL LM RS and XML files from "MAPNAME.RS.WHATEVER" to "Login.RS.WHATERVER" then replace the DUMMYLIST from your maps xml with the DUMMYLIST from the original login.xml

You will have to find the right camera angles yourself by trial and error same goes for where your character will spawn on the map, or you can copy the coordinates from a spawn/worlditem possition if you would preffer.

Hope you understood that, I am not in the mood to proof read right now..

EDIT: If its just the Church Login your after and your not interested in making your own then you can grab it from here:
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Origionaly posted by peaceofpi on a different site:

I think pretty much every "private" server out there uses the Church login, this happened immediately after ZFB8's had the same thing. I work with ZFB8, and had the first new login map (currently anyway) and I guess I'll get my name out there before someone steals the tutorial from GzO.
Now, let's get started.
<DUMMY name="camera_pos 02">
 <POSITION>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000</POSITION>
 <DIRECTION>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000</DIRECTION>
<DUMMY name="camera_pos 01">
 <POSITION>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000</POSITION>
 <DIRECTION>0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000</DIRECTION>
The above code is found inside Login.RS.xml, which is inside Login.mrs. Obviously it's not filled with zeroes, but giving you any coordinates at all would be too kind of me. You're on your own.
Get the map you want as a login map, extract it, and edit its .RS.xml. Paste those two DUMMYs in the appropriate spot, then go coordinate hunting. If I'm not mistaken, the distance for each point is relative to { 0 0 0 } on the map, so think from there.
That's pretty much all you need. Rename it Login, and pack it up. A hint for camera_pos 02: It's the position the camera is in when it stops moving, obviously, so it'll be close to the character's spawn point. If you still don't get it, this means the coordinates for the spawn and camera_pos 02 should be very similar.
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I don't know of anyway to find the cords ingame. I just went for the trial and error approach. Start with spawn possition locations from your maps spawn.xml and work from there.
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If you look around, you might be able to find an old runnable with developer mode enabled. It looks like this:

kochon - Church or other map as login screen.. HOW? - RaGEZONE Forums

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omg that's exatcly what i was talking about, coudldn't you share it? anyways i'll google it while waiting your answer

google's my best friend:

Edit: Oh crap i'm very bad in hexadecimal i can't even create a runnable >.<
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